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  • Photo Essay: 200 Days 2018

    Last Thursday, the senior class traveled off campus to celebrate, since the only thing between them and graduation is 200 Days — and maybe thesis! The night was filled with live music, constant dancing, and good vibes. Here are some pictures capturing the festivities. Enjoy the cute candids and smiling faces! Check out our Flickr page for more pictures from 200 Days! Intro by Robert Cain ‘21

  • Photo Essay: Monte Carlo 2019

    ASCMC's annual Monte Carlo was in full swing on Saturday as students from across the 5Cs donned their fanciest attire and danced to the beat of live music. The event featured complimentary food and beverages as well as casino games! Here are some photos capturing the fun from the event. Photos taken by Jocelyn Song ’22.

  • Photo Essay: Toga Party 2019

    Claremont McKenna College’s annual Toga party was in full swing last Saturday as students from across the 5C’s dressed up in pillowcases and bed sheets for a night of fun in Ancient Greece! Here are some pictures capturing the fun from the event. Photos taken by Jocelyn Song ’22 and Luca Khalsa ’23.

  • Changes Needed for Classifying Race in America

    BY DESMOND MANTLE IMAGE COURTESY OF CNN Over the course of the past two months, I have contemplated a deeply personal issue: my racial and ethnic identity. Applying to law school is a difficult process for anyone, but it comes with extra baggage for a Mestizo person like me - someone descended from both the indigenous peoples of Mexico and the Spanish settlers who colonized them. The terms "Native American" and "American Indian," which often appear on law school applications, are insufficient for addressing the unique history of Mestizo people. To remedy this problem, the United States Census Bureau should amend its racial and ethnic categories to specifically address descent from the indigenous peoples of the Americas outside of the United States. Race is self-reported to the Census Bureau, and Mexican-Americans differ in how they choose to identify. More than 37 million Americans identified as Mexican-American as of the most recent American Community Survey, but fewer than 9 million Americans identified as part of the group "American Indian and Alaska Native," either alone or in combination with other races. The estimated Mestizo population in Mexico ranges from just under half to the vast majority of that nation's inhabitants. Perhaps immigration from Mexico to the United States has come disproportionately from the former's non-indigenous population, but in the absence of compelling evidence of such a phenomenon, the most reasonable conclusion is that Mestizos often do not consider themselves to be American Indians. So how do Mestizos identify their race? Some may choose "White," a few may choose "American Indian," and a great many likely choose "Some other race." An article appearing in NPR last year noted that Hispanic Americans are likely to check this box because they do not identify with racial groups like "White" or "American Indian" and may not even know the exact racial composition of their ancestry. The "Some other race" label is deliberately non-descriptive so that it can serve as a catch-all for Americans whose identity falls outside the other categories the Census Bureau provides, but this limits its usefulness for researchers relying on Census Bureau data. Mestizos are "White" and "American Indian," but they may feel hesitant identifying as such. The "White" label comes with the baggage of decades of racism in the United States, and although it is unfair to hold the wrongs of the past against the European-descended Americans of today, Mestizos are reluctant to identify themselves with a group they might associate with oppression. Conversely, Mestizos are also not "American Indian" in the narrower sense of being members of federally-recognized tribes in the United States. While checking the "White" box was easy for me to do in light of my father's non-Hispanic European ancestry, I have struggled throughout my life to resolve the dilemma of the "American Indian" box. On the one hand, I feel a strong connection to my indigenous ancestry. When I took a DNA test through, my results were astounding: Indigenous Mexican ancestry is the single greatest contributor to my ethnic mix, coming in at 32.5% of my genetic code. Every New Year's Day, my mother cooks pozole, a traditional Mexican soup containing hominy, which is a nixtamalized corn invented by Indigenous Mexicans. When I think of my Mexican ancestors, I think of not only those who were Spanish but also those who were indigenous. On the other hand, I cannot risk an Elizabeth Warren moment in my potential political career. Fraudulently claiming American Indian identity is a serious offense in the court of public opinion, and I would never seek to mislead anyone into believing that I have lived on a reservation, that I am a member of a federally-recognized tribe, or that I participate in the cultural activities of such tribes. In the interest of truthfulness, I tend to refrain from checking the box unless I have a space to explain that my American Indian identity is Indigenous Mexican and very different from the American Indian identity belonging to tribes in the United States. The Census Bureau has a chance to allow millions of my fellow Mestizos and me to identify ourselves properly. By adding a "Mestizo" or "Indigenous to the Americas" category, or clarifying that “American Indian” includes these groups, the Census Bureau can prevent confusion, reduce overuse of the "Some other race" category, and allow Mestizos to identify themselves in the most truthful way possible. If other institutions follow suit, Mestizos may finally be free to tell the truth of who we are.

  • Indonesia’s Capital Relocation Plan Poses an Alarming Threat to its People and the Environment

    BY CHLOE "FIO" WIBAWA IMAGE COURTESY OF NEXTZEN Indonesia’s plan to begin moving its capital city 1000 miles away from Jakarta by 2024 is dangerous because of the potential social, economic and environmental problems that will likely arise from it. The government is relocating the capital because Jakarta is sinking at an alarming rate of 11 inches a year, with 40% of the city already underwater. The new capital, Nusantara, is located in East Kalimantan, around 1,250 miles northeast of Jakarta, and is home to 900,000 people. After Indonesian President Joko Widodo announced the move in 2019, Indonesia’s Parliament passed the Capital City bill into law in January 2022, allowing construction to begin. The government reserved 445,000 acres of forested land to begin building the new city. Although city planners envision Nusantara as an environmental utopia, moving the capital is likely to pose detrimental threats to the environment. Kalimantan is home to endangered orangutans and approximately 7 million acres of protected forest. East Kalimantan lost 1.5 million acres of forest to oil palm planting, logging, mining, and other activities in 2018 – a 42% increase in deforestation from the previous year, Bloomberg reported in 2019. East Kalimantan will likely face more deforestation as the government builds Nusantara’s infrastructure. In a 2019 Bloomberg interview, University of Sydney lecturer Peter Matous warned, “New roads cutting through forest areas break the continuity of the forest cover and typically more slash and burn deforestation happens in their vicinity.” This would cause more forest fires, especially as Indonesia has seen increased climate change-related wildfires. Most of the land reserved for Nusantara’s construction is peatland, a carbon-rich wetland that consists of dead vegetation often burned and drained to make space for oil palm plantations. Destroying East Kalimantan’s forests to construct the new capital could potentially release 48 million tons of carbon into the atmosphere, which is equivalent to emissions released by 9.3 million vehicles in a year, the World Resources Institute reported in 2019. The destruction of forests will impact not only its wildlife, but also the local and indigenous communities that often rely on these lands for their livelihoods. The Dayak people, Kalimantan’s indigenous population, have faced a long history of challenges to their land rights, both from the government and natural resource extraction corporations. In 2020, the Forest People’s Programme’s estimates put at least 300,000 people at risk of displacement due to capital relocation. Land disputes can lead to a rise in civil conflicts in the area. This is especially pertinent because nearly 1.5 million civil servants including teachers, nurses and agricultural extension workers, will be migrating to East Kalimantan – among many other migrants who will be attracted by the new job prospects. “This huge number of migrants has the potential to disturb local economies and markets, especially in terms of housing and food,” Wasisto Jati, a researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency, said in his article published this year. “If the government does not accommodate the needs of locals, this will spark new conflicts.” The government’s lack of response to these potential issues with its plan has led experts to believe that Indonesia is more concerned with the optics of its idealistic and superficial model, such as building 100% “eco-friendly” high rises in the new city, than its feasibility. Approximately 59% of the 170 experts interviewed in a survey were not confident that Nusantara would materialize because of uncertainties in funding and management, Reuters reported based on data from the Indonesian Centre for Strategic and International Studies released this year. This result echoes a greater concern influenced by Japanese conglomerate Softbank Group’s exit this year as a major investor in the project after planning to invest $40 billion, citing timely return-on-investment issues. This has made other possible investors worried about joining the project. The Widodo administration announced that it would be offering 30-year tax breaks for companies willing to invest in Nusantara, Reuters reported last month. However, Indonesia must acknowledge these potential issues before investors and the public can be confident in the project. The government must make greater efforts to apply input from local and indigenous communities in Kalimantan, nongovernmental organizations, scholars and researchers in its policies and plans for the new capital. Only then can Nusantara be seen as a potential success and not a looming threat to Indonesia.

  • Tunisia’s Civil Unrest Continues Amid Presidential Power Grabs

    BY OLIVIA CARUSI IMAGE COURTESY OF ZOUBEIR SOUISSI AT REUTERS Protests have spread in Tunisia as resident Kais Saied continues to threaten democratic institutions, most recently dismissing the independent judiciary and peddling anti-migrant rhetoric. Civilian protests erupted in early January, calling for a halt in Saied’s efforts to consolidate his rule. Saied’s dissolvement of democratic bodies has alarmed citizens about Tunisia’s return to dictatorship. In late February, Saied delivered an anti-migrant speech at the National Security Council that incited civilian protests. Citizens took to the streets demanding Saied apologize for what they considered insulting language toward sub-Saharan migrants, whom he said were causing crime and posing a demographic threat to Tunisia. “The undeclared goal of the successive waves of illegal immigration is to consider Tunisia a purely African country that has no affiliation to the Arab and Islamic nations,” Saied said. The African Union condemned Saied’s comments, and urged Tunisia to avoid “racialized hate speech.” The president’s language contributes to a larger effort to separate Tunisia from less developed parts of Africa. Protesters strongly disagree with Saied’s actions, chanting in the capital city Tunis, “Down with fascism, Tunisia is an African country.” Racism is a persistent issue in Tunisia, where Black Africans make up 15% of the population, but remain absent from public life, employment, and government roles. Following Saied’s speech, he ordered security forces to stop all illegal migration and remove undocumented migrants. This prompted a campaign of arrests among sub-Saharan Africans and Black Tunisians. Anti-racism protests in Tunisia are the most recent example of dissatisfaction with Saied. In July 2021, Saied launched an anti-corruption campaign, dismissing the prime minister and broadening presidential powers in what critics called a power grab. A year ago Saied dissolved the High Judicial Council, replacing the independent justices with individually appointed members. Human Rights Watch recently released a report condemning Saied’s actions. Tunisia achieved deep democratic reforms following the Arab Spring in 2011. While many other neighboring countries have collapsed back into civil war or dictatorship, Tunisia’s democracy has persisted for years. Democracy in Tunisia has nonetheless wavered, facing a political crisis shortly after the 2011 Arab Spring Revolution that established democracy. In 2013, two prominent secular leaders of opposition parties were assassinated prompting protests against the Islamic government. “The challenges new leadership faced posed too much. Economic challenges didn’t go away under post 2011 challenges. Social challenges didn’t go away,” said Joost Hiltermann, Middle East and North Africa program director for the International Crisis Group. “People were fed up, and it was on that kind of wave that Kais Saied rose to the presidency, and he promised not to be autocratic, but now he’s showing his true colors.” Hiltermann said in a presentation last week to students at Claremont McKenna College. Saied was elected in what Tunisia’s election committee considered to be a free and fair election in 2019. Saied has sharply departed from his pledge of a democratic presidency. In late February, Tunisian security forces arrested Jaouhar Ben M’barek, the most prominent opposition leader to Saied’s government. Ben M’barek was the latest of a dozen prominent figures arrested in February under the false pretense of terrorism. “After putting himself in charge of prosecution and firing judges right and left, President Saied is now going after his critics with utter abandon,” said Salsabil Chellali, Human Rights Watch Tunisia director. Hiltermann is wary about the future of Tunisia: “I see the country continue down the path of autocracy without any ability to address the deep economic and social challenges that it faces. It doesn’t look good at all, to me.”

  • Class of 2025: First-Year Class President Candidate Statements

    It's that time of year again and if you've walked by Collins this week, you've seen the banners that signal campaigns for First Year Class President have started! The Class of 2025 has started their first year of college and among them are courageous first-years hoping to lead as Class President. Read on to learn about some of the candidates running for First Year Class President (FYCP) a voting member on ASCMC's Executive Board. As FYCP, they'll manage a budget of $3000 to plan events and represent their class in ASCMC and among college administration. Candidates have until Wednesday at midnight to declare their candidacy by collecting 50 unique signatures from the members of their class. Speeches will be Thursday 7:30 pm at Pickford Auditorium. (in-person and live-streamed) We hope that you'll attend and support your fellow classmates! Umer Lakhani "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." Our freshmen class is the largest in history, which inevitably leads to an incredible vastness of diversity, whether that be demographically, in our interests, or our perspectives. That's why I believe it is imperative that I build a cabinet that is truly representative of that diversity, so that we can consider issues from as broad a range of viewpoints as possible. I don't want to cram fancy logos or clever slogans down your throat. While those are nice, I want the emphasis to be on how I will be your voice, relentlessly fighting for every last idea and issue you raise. I intend to pester the higher-ups to their very last straw of patience. Until I get a resounding "no" (with an explanation), I will unceasingly represent you to the best of my ability, no matter how small it may seem. I will fight equally as hard for an idea that has 1 person behind it as I will for an idea that has 200 people behind it. "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." Perhaps unconsciously, this is the maxim that I have lived my life by. I grew up in Dubai, where I gained my appreciation for diversity through my international schooling, trying to be as diverse as possible with my interests, ventures and experiences to be as unique and well-rounded as possible. This is why I am the candidate best poised to represent the diversity of our class. Want to know more? Feel free to email me, message me on Instagram or just approach me in person! I'd love to connect with as many of you as possible and discuss what I can do for you as your First Year Class President! Nelly Haley A Vote for Nelly is A Vote for YOU! A Vote for Nelly is A Vote for YOU! I'm running for FYP for US, I'm the voice that will speak up for you, especially when you can't do it yourself. I'm the ear that will always hear AND listen to you. We deserve a president that not only cares about us and our opinions, but is determined enough to work toward positive changes for us, and that president is me. Yall can depend on me to be the "Golden Gate Bridge" of bridges when it comes to bridging the gap between our class and the ASCMC executive board because I'll bring my ideas as well your ideas to the table in an effective way. When I'm voting on topics, it'll be with your opinions in mind, being the best spokesperson for class of 2025 that I can be. We need a president that is an innovative thinker, coming up with new ways to better our freshman community, and that president is me. I will always fight hard to get results for us because I'm resilient and highly motivated. I've been president in student government since middle school, through junior high, and high school. Additionally, I was captain of the varsity cheer team for 3 years, vice president of NHS, and section leader in band. As well as 3 younger siblings that follow my lead. There's no doubting my outstanding leadership abilities, I know what it means to be a passionate leader and what it takes to lead successfully. I'm the best candidate to represent the class of 2025 so allow me to prove it to you, just vote for you. With this position I aim to put into effect your ideas, host very entertaining class events that'll bring us closer, and to keep y’all updated on important resources and opportunities. Abizer Mamnoon Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! 🖖 Hi Friends, This is your friendly, neighbourhood Abizer-man (Shazam), and I am an International Student from Dubai. I am running for President to create a welcoming community for all first-years. I love CMC, and I want to make this community even better. In order to achieve this purpose, I have a couple of ideas in mind. I intend to arrange office hours every week (Monday 7 pm-8 pm and Friday 6 pm-7 pm) in front of the Dining Hall where you are welcome to sit with me and talk about your concerns or relax. Here is my agenda: I will organize numerous parties, games, and Netflix movie nights around campus that serve freshmen only. This will allow first-year students to mingle more with each other. I will ensure that more food trucks are set up around campus that go beyond the pizzas and burgers we are used to right now. We need to get food from other cuisines like Mexican, Indian, Korean, Japanese, Arabic etc. food to cater to the various backgrounds of students on campus. I will arrange rides to the beach, Disneyland, or LA often for freshmen students looking for a fun weekend. I will have more light bulbs around campus to assure the safety and well-being of students wandering around at night. It tends to get very sunny in the morning. This is felt most by the students walking from Mid Quad and South Quad to classes and the dining hall. I will set up umbrella stands around campus for conscious students concerned about sunstroke and skin cancer! You can shoot me an email anytime you want at I look forward to enjoying the rest of this year with you (Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! 🖖)! Natalie Phillips VOTE NAT, BECAUSE SHE HAS YOUR BACK Hi everyone! If you don’t know me, my name is Natalie Phillips, and I am running for first year class president! As a woman of the people, I too have felt the rush of past weeks and the inundation of new information, so I’ll tell you what I am running on in the most succinct way: Bettering Student Life: Adding FREE menstrual products to all bathrooms MORE and BETTER food options Recognizing more holidays on campus Introducing NEW and CREATIVE themes to parties Adding INTRACLASS events for grades to socialize Allowing our student ID’s to work as CASH in the Claremont village UNCHAIN THE CHAIRS, UNITING ONE CHAIR AT A TIME Keeping our Community Safe: Adding more WATER REFILL STATIONS all around campus Adding student EMT training and jobs to campus Creating more COHERENT Covid guidelines to keep our rates at 0 EXPANDING our mental health services so that every student knows they can get services that fit their needs Pursuing Academic Excellence: Adding students to CMC's Academic Standards Committee, so there is a student’s VOICE in reviewing cases Adding a READING WEEK before mid-terms and finals More INCLUSIVE campus clubs that provide pre-professional help Providing FACULTY DEI TRAINING to foster better class environments I truly want to be the voice of our awesome student body. I like to think of myself as someone who is approachable, so please: come up to me, sit with me, walk with me and let’s have a catch about anything (what you want improved, how your day is going, or literally anything on your mind). If you vote me for first year class president, I promise to do everything in my power to make this year the best it can be. VOTE NAT, BECAUSE SHE HAS YOUR BACK Eddie Wei THE BEST WAY IS WITH EDDIE WEI! Hey everyone! My name is Eddie Wei, and I’m running to be your First-Year Class President. A little bit about me: I am from Ames, Iowa, I like going on picnics and traveling, and I worked at American Eagle this past summer. While we have only been at CMC for a few weeks, I have already LOVED every single moment with you all. As your FYCP, I hope to transform my excitement for CMC into tangible change. Although my campaign includes goals relating to 1) supporting our transition to college life and 2) fostering school spirit, the main reason I’m running is to be your representative. As your president, I will fight for what you want. I understand that my goals for FYCP may not always align with yours. Thus, in formulating my campaign, I intentionally left room for your ideas. I will use my position as the only first-year on the ASCMC executive board to voice your opinions. If you have any proposals, complaints, or questions regarding CMC life, I will wholeheartedly advocate for you. My presidency will center around your ideas and the needs of our entire class. In addition, a vote for Eddie is a vote for a realistic campaign. Although my goals aren’t big compared to other candidates, my goals are feasible. I have recognized the duties but also the limitations of FYCP, and I hope you will too with your vote. It would be an absolute honor to serve as your FYCP. If you have any questions, please reach out at either, or @eddie4fycp on Instagram. In addition, if you see me walking around campus, don’t feel afraid to say hi! I’d love to have a conversation. Talk to y’all soon, and remember: THE BEST WAY IS WITH EDDIE WEI! Luis Mendoza Luis Is the Missing Piece Hello Class of 2025 Stagthenas! My name is Luis Mendoza and I’m from North Carolina. If you would have asked me two months ago if I would run to be the First-Year President, I would have called you dillusionional. However, here I am. Now, why am I running, well here is why: Enhancing the beauty of our social life Who would have thought that we would have the privilege to be on campus for our first year at CMC. Events such as Holiday Parties, a “Before I Graduate…” mural and more could add to CMC. In addition, I want to ensure that action is taking place to address concerns from the student body. Such as having Water Bottle Stations around campus to stay hydrated and adding more light sources around campus to feel safer during the night. Evolution through Diversifying Inclusion I want to make sure that all students are heard and respected in their community. Also, I will strive to make a community where minorities are recognized and provided with resources throughout CMC. Having a Cultural Food Festival and a Festival of colors, would show how multiple cultures can come together. Also, working with affinity groups would help the voice of the minority, like hosting workshops for FAFSA and the CSS profile. Stress Relief and Mental Health Access For ALL Students are becoming more stressed because of homesickness, joining clubs, and the substantial amount of readings. Having pet therapy with Theo, hammock stations, and tea stations would provide a chance to lift some stress off their shoulders. Also, I want to make sure that each student’s mental health is being validated and everyone knows about the resources CMC has for all students. Feel free to contact me on IG (luis4fycp), Peter Dien A core belief I hold is that our excellency as a school does not matter as long as the excellency is not attainable for everyone. Hello! My name is Peter Dien and I am running to be your CMC First Year Class President. I was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam but have lived in West Covina, California my entire life #WestCoastBestCoast. In high school I was a theatre and choir kid (tenor 1 gang wya) and also founded a community organization in my hometown called Change West Covina. A core belief I hold is that our excellency as a school does not matter as long as the excellency is not attainable for everyone. As long as our endowment is built off of oil pipeline money and the oppression of indigenous people, we can not live up to the expectations of “anti-racism” and “sustainability.” My job would be to spread awareness, build a class consensus, and garner public pressure so that WE can use our agency as a school to take a stance against the KKR pipeline. I am aware that my role as class president is not simply a big picture one. The details make the portrait, and I will spend as much time crafting emails and organizing community bonding events as I will spend time lobbying in certain committees to enact broad change. Our task is daunting, but it can only be accomplished through your vote, your voice, and your solidarity. Bryan Soh The Choice Is Soh Damn Obvious Hey y’all, it’s Bryan Soh and I would be extremely thrilled and privileged to serve you all as first-year class president. A little bit more about me: I’m from sunny Singapore, my favorite artists include The 1975, LANY, and Fiji Blue, and I have an unhealthy obsession with perfume. Let’s first preface this by saying that whoever ends up as FYCP will do a fantastic job at building a strong sense of camaraderie for this class. But if you want to put your trust in someone who’s willing to get his hands dirty and serve others before himself, I’m your guy. With the same dedication of an army officer that lives to fight and die for his men, I will not rest till my class is satisfied. My ideas currently, though certainly open to your criticism and improvement, include: A centralized spreadsheet/website for freshmen to easier navigate through CMC’s & 5C’s resources, support systems, and affinity groups Streamlined dissemination of information (social events, athletic games, off-campus trips) to freshmen Initiation of more campus traditions to instil class and school spirit (songs, chants at games; weekly open-field karaoke sessions) Finding a way to use meal plan Board Plus Dollars to pay for laundry Beyond this, I will be a reliable bridge between us and the school. I’ll surface feedback and concerns accordingly to give you answers. Central to my vision are actionable goals. More than your voice, I will be your hands and feet, working tirelessly to effect the change you want to see in CMC. And most importantly, beyond this FYCP position, I just want to be a listening ear and a source of support for you guys. Feel free to talk about anything under the sun with me at or on the ‘gram at @bryanjedidiah! Addison Reddinger Don’t be misled, vote Addi Redd! :) Hello beautiful people! My name is Addison Reddinger and I’m running for First-Year Class President. My time here at CMC so far has been absolutely incredible. Our student body is supportive and intellectually curious, we have vast resources that allow us amazing opportunities, and the community here is like no other I’ve experienced. This is a truly special place. CMC is home to me and I want to ensure that everyone feels the same. Here are some of my plans and ideas for the upcoming year: Student Life and Happiness As we transition back to normal, building student support systems and hosting engaging social events are my top priority. This includes continuing to raise awareness for mental health and committing to bringing fun, innovative events and traditions to campus. I plan on selecting a Mental Health Coordinator for my cabinet to help me spearhead issues on campus and create new policies that ensure students feel safe and heard. Additionally, I plan on working closely with the Student Life Committee(SLC) to consistently provide entertaining social functions. Student Representation Larger student representation is a must this year! This means more student involvement in critical decisions on campus. Some of the ways I plan to do this are working with the Academic Affairs Committee(AAC) to ensure student representation on the Academic Standards Committee and committing to selecting a diverse cabinet that’s representative of the entire student body and ensures everyone from marginalized groups are heard. Other Goals Establishing set formatting guidelines for professors using SAKAI. Working to bring free, high-quality menstrual products to bathrooms. Innovating ways to ensure all halls have easily accessible water. Vastly improving WIFI networks. Weekly/Biweekly food events(In-N-Out/Canes/etc). Better social media presence. Don’t be misled, vote Addi Redd! :) Ask me more! @addison4cmc2025/ Giovanni Pierre Hey CMC Class of 2025! Gio is your Hero! For those of you I haven’t met, I’m Giovanni Pierre (he/him). I’m from Woburn, MA, and I like skating, The Beatles, and long walks on the beach, and I’m running to be your first- year class president! If you’ve seen me around campus, I was probably in front of Collins, dapping up everyone that I come across, and shouting people’s names across campus. That’s because my mission is to be a representative in the fullest sense of the word, and to accomplish this, I’ve attempted to establish a relationship with every member of our class of ’25 community. Since I will be the only first-year on the executive board, it’s imperative that I get to know each of you, as the better I know you, the better I can represent you. I want you all to see me as someone that you can call up at any time or sit with at Collins if you need anything. If you want to reach me, shoot me a DM or a text and we can meet up. We can talk about whatever you want, ranging from changes you want to whether Donda is better than CLB (it is btw). My main way of connecting with all of you—other than seeing you in person—will be through Instagram. Expect consistent Q&As, polls, suggestion boxes, and CMC memes from me. I understand that CMC’s party culture isn’t the most inclusive and that parties aren’t for everyone. So apart from class parties and my side-mission to make North Quad actually fun, I have a ton non-party of first-year class events planned: In-N-Out dinners, class barbecues and field days, video game tournaments, open mic nights, and class beach trips. One of my core values for this community is inclusivity, so in this spirit, my cabinet will be comprised of a diverse group of people of various backgrounds, identities, and points of view in order to ensure I can properly advocate for all members of our first-year class when making decisions on the executive board. That’s a quick run-down of my campaign without giving everything away (the rest to come during my campaign speech on Thursday). If you have any questions or just want to talk, stop me around campus, I’m happy to chat with you. Remember, Gio is your hero! Peace and Love <3 Gio Day Sangmo Contact me at Hi everyone, My name is Lodoe, but I go by Day. I’m from NYC but I’ve been living in LA for the past year. You’ve probably seen me falling off my longboard, riding behind Clare’s wheelchair, or hogging all the sriracha at Collins. Here are a few fun facts about me! I originally arrived in the U.S. as a Tibetan refugee before becoming a citizen. Pre-covid, I was a swim instructor for children and adults with mental and physical disabilities. And lastly, Justin Bieber follows me on Twitter! I really hope to become y’alls First Year President. I intend to implement various plans regarding improving campus safety, inclusive social activities, and amping up school spirit. I would invest in speakers that would play a CMC-curated playlist to make parties more inclusive. To increase campus safety, I would work with the CMC administration to get more lights including string lights and lamps ensuring that people get back to their dorms safely, while adding to the CMC aesthetic. To improve social life, I plan to create Game Boxes filled with recreational equipment, board and card games. These are just a few of the ideas that I have to make CMC a more lively, safe place. If you like these or have similar suggestions I would love to hear from you! Thank you! Contact me at

  • Introducing the 2021-2022 RAs!

    Celebrate the first three weeks of classes with us by learning some new details about your RAs! ALEXAN KENDRY Marisa Mestichella Pronouns: she/her Major(s): Government & Economics with a Legal Studies Sequence Heyyy CMC! I’m Marisa and I’m ecstatic to be one of the Alexan Kendry RAs in the fall. I’m originally from Seattle so I can’t get enough of the SoCal sunshine. I am an explorer at heart, and love to get outside for hiking adventures, LA city crawling, or day trips to the beach. At CMC I’ve had some amazing experiences like traveling on the Appel Fellowship to interview street performers and learn their stories, as well as writing for The Student Life and the Lowe Institute (shameless plug for TSL and Lowe Down student blog), and co-founding the Sunrise Claremont Colleges, an inspiring environmental action community. After changing my major 4 times, I eventually declared as a Gov & Econ major with a Legal Studies sequence because I wanted to have the tools to understand and make positive contributions to my community. Outside academics, I am a lover of sports, music, and good food. I played soccer with the CMS Athenas, and I sing with Mood Swing, a 5c acapella group. I’m always down to talk sports over a good boba tea, play some pick-up soccer, or have a jam sesh. Alexan Kendry squad, get ready for cookouts and pool days - I can’t wait to get to know everyone!! Max Weirauch Pronouns: he/him/his Major(s): Double Major in Economics and German Studies I'm an international student at CMC involved with Admission, ResLife, CARE, Claremont Marketing Group and an avid inter mural soccer player. I'll be the RA at the off-campus Alexan Kendry Apartments and looking forward to build community together with my Co-RA Marisa. I grew up in Hamburg, Germany and attended high school in the Bay Area for a year. SENIOR APARTMENTS Anna Green Apartments (651) Pronouns: She/her/hers Major(s): Government and Gender Studies Hi CMC! My name is Anna and I am so excited to be one of the RAs at the Senior Apartments this fall. I am a Government and Gender Studies major from CT, but on campus I can usually be found recording episodes of Free Food for Thought on the second floor of the Atheneum, waiting in line at the Motley, or making PB toast at Collins' snack. I love being outdoors, reading, and my favorite form of procrastination is making Spotify playlists, so send any music recommendations my way. I can't wait to be back on campus, reuniting with familiar faces, meeting new ones, and (hopefully) getting to see people IRL instead of over Zoom. Please stop by my apartment any time for a cup of coffee or to try my latest cooking project! My door is always (metaphorically) open. T.J. Askew Apartments (661) Pronouns: he/ him/ his Major(s): EEP Hey everyone! My name is TJ and I'm hyped to be one of the Senior Apartment RAs this year! I grew up in Papua New Guinea until the age of 11, when I moved to San Diego, CA. At CMC, I play on the Men's Basketball Team and manage the Natural Science team at the Roberts Environmental Center. Academically, I study Environment, Economics, and Politics with a Sequence in Data Science. Some of my favorite hobbies are backcountry backpacking, surfing, and being called mijo by the Collins workers. Alicia Reynaga Apartments (671) Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): Media Studies and Spanish Hey Everyone! I’m Alicia, and I am from Pasadena, CA. I am super excited to be one of the RAs of the Senior Apartments! I am a Media Studies and Spanish dual major. During the pandemic, I studied abroad for a year in Madrid, Spain, and Havana, Cuba. I have also lived in Barcelona for two summers. In addition to working as a DOS assistant, I am a part of the Kravis Leadership Institute, a member of the 5C Dance Company, and a Spanish TA. I have worked in nearly every office on-campus, and I am so excited to be a part of such an incredible family of RAs this year. On-campus you can always find me sipping on a matcha latte in DOS or working the hub. Feel free to stop by my apartment whenever to chit chat and chill! Adhitya Venkatraman Apartments (681) Pronouns: he/him/his Major(s): PPE and Data Science Hello everyone! My name is Adhitya, but you can call me Adhi. I hail from San Jose, California and I'm really pumped to be back in Claremont this fall! On campus, I study PPE, work at the Rose, and frequently miss serves in intramural volleyball. I'm hyped to be one of the RAs for the Student Apartments! My door's always open, so stop by anytime to chat or hang! Pumped to see everyone in-person very soon! APPLEBY Eric Warmoth Pronouns: he/him/his Major(s): Environmental Analysis + Public Policy Hey! My name is Eric and I will be the RA for Appleby this year! I'm from Los Altos, California and I'm an Environmental Analysis and Public Policy major. I'm looking forward to returning to the pool to play water polo for the Stags this fall, and on campus I'm also a Co-President of Sunrise Claremont Colleges and a Tour Guide/Senior Interviewer. My favorite study spot is the Lower Kravis classrooms and I will always defend this (also come to ASCMC Senate down there). I am a committed reality TV fan and I even joined CMC's first on-campus season of Survivor. I'm really excited to continue some awesome Appleby traditions like Hump Day, so get ready for a great year! See you soon CMC! AUEN Brandon Rho Pronouns: he/him/his Major(s): 3+2 (Econ+Engineering) Hello! My name is Brandon Rho. I'm from Orange County, California and am an incoming senior. Over the fall, I will be an RA for Auen along with my co-RA Janise Waites! I'm also a member of the CMS baseball team! During my free time, I love to play sports and hike, so if you need any advice on which routes/trails to take in Yosemite, or how the baseball season is going (Go Dodgers!), feel free to ask me! Video games are a hobby of mine, and I can go for hours on end ranting about the upcoming AAA games and underrated indie games on Steam! Janise Waites Pronouns: She/Her/Hers Major(s): Government with a Leadership Sequence Hi! My name is Janise and I use she/her pronouns. I’m a Government major with a sequence in Leadership who also spent a semester "abroad" on the DC program. I’m from San Diego, CA. On-campus, I am a Career Services Mentor at the Soll Center and I used to play rugby with the Claremont Foxes before an injury. I am also the manager of the CARE Center and love working with the fellows and meeting new people. (And Free Food!) Catch me in Stark computer lab writing my thesis this fall, (I have no self-control so I'll talk to you for hours). Please come by if you want to give me music or tv show recommendations, want tips on how to navigate college, want to talk about your passions, or play cards! Can't wait to see you! BECKETT Jamie Bitz Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): International Relations and Film with a Leadership sequence Hey everyone! My name is Jamie and I'm so excited to be one of your Beckett RAs! I may not have had to endure the Great Beckett Flood, but this dorm is a survivor and I'm so proud of her :') I'm a Film Studies and International Relations dual major with a Leadership sequence but also almost definitely the only person you know from South Dakota. I'm also a Gemini Rising, so do with that what you will (I say as if I have any idea what my chart means). You can pretty much always find me with a coffee in hand (I drink more library iced mochas than I do water), running off to watch my latest film obsession (yes I did in fact watch all 15 seasons of Criminal Minds in one month), or talking about my most recent trip abroad (Tunisia was amazing and I WILL be going back). I have the obnoxious habit of overdressing for literally every event, but I can make up for it with my breakfast sandwich machine that's open for everyone's use, of course, and my 50+ playlists for every mood imaginable (including the infamous "green beach on a saturday night"). I'm literally up until 3 AM every night, so when I say stop in and chat anytime, I mean it. Can't wait to meet everyone in CMC's most loved lounge! :) Keir Keenan Pronouns: he/him/his Major(s): Economics & Engineering (3+2) Hey everyone! My name is Keir and I am so excited to be one of the RAs for Beckett along with Jamie! I am majoring in Economics & Engineering (3+2) and love to get involved on- and off-campus. On campus, I am either leading a campus tour or at Roberts playing basketball with friends. I also love taking trips to the beach or Joshua Tree, going on hikes with friends, and staying fueled on Yerba Mates (mint is the only way to go). Feel free to stop by my room whenever and talk about anything, I am really excited to meet all of you! :) BENSON Luke Lenhart Major(s): Econ/Math Hey there! My name is Luke – born and raised in Los Gatos, California. I am excited to meet you all as one of your RAs for Benson. You can usually find me at Axelrood practicing for the swim & dive team, in Roberts working out or playing intramurals, or geeking out over the sheer amount of knowledge in the library. I am also involved in CCG and major in math & economics. I enjoy getting out in the mountains whether it be backpacking or skiing – and you’re welcome to join any time! I absolutely love board games (and am a bit competitive), so stop by any time for Catan, cards, chatting, or snacking. Excited to see all of you in-person! Dorcas Saka Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): Science Management Hello everyone! My name is Dorcas (she/her), and I am super excited to be one of the RAs for Benson! A little bit about me- I am a Science Management major with a public health concentration on the premed track. I have an interest in the intersection between business and healthcare. I’m originally from Nigeria but grew up in New York City. On-campus, I am a vice president on the College Programming Board (CPB), a student researcher in a microbiology lab, a senior interviewer, and a member of various other clubs. You can always find me in Heggblade (the DOS building) when I am not in class or on my bed with my 10 pillows and too many blankets to count. Feel free to stop by my room anytime (I’m always awake) to chat, study, or just grab some snacks (I have a large selection)! I am looking forward to getting to meet and know you all! BERGER Caitlyn Arce Pronouns: She/her/hers Major(s): International Relations Hi my name is Caitlyn! I’m majoring in International Relations with a focus in Environmental Studies. I’m super excited to be the Berger RA and meet you all! On campus I’m involved with CMC’s College Programming Board and Claremont Sustainable Consulting. In my free time, you can find me lounging on Green Beach, working out at Roberts, our hanging out and studying at the Hub. If you’re ever in the mood to go on a hike, play some tennis, or have a dance party, I’m your girl! Tyler Craigwell Pronouns: he/him/his Major(s): Philosophy & Public Affairs What's up everybody! My name is Tyler Craigwell and I am excited and honored to be one of your RAs for the Dirty Berg(er)! I am from New York, born and raised, but LA isn't half bad. I'm majoring in Philosophy & Public Affairs (Fancyspeak for Phil, Govt, Econ) so drop by and we can talk about anything and everything, from the weather to the deepest rabbit holes we can find. On campus, you'll find me all over the place from performing dark arts in the Student Investment Fund, making our experience better with ASCMC, building the future in the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, promptly delivering the smoke in Claremont Lions Rugby, or giving Live Nation a run for their money in Quantum. As you can see I love to be involved and that is a testament to the energy and variety found at CMC! Outside the clubs and classrooms, you can find me hanging with friends, trying new foods, attending concerts, gaming, jamming out, impromptu napping, reading etc. So, Berger or not, you are more than welcome to join the family where you can find all the vibes represented. We are here for a good time and a long time. Excited to meet you all in the Fall and don't be a stranger! BOSWELL Jennifer Bernardez Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): Psychology Major, Computer Science Sequence Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer Bernardez. I am from Seattle, Washington, and I am so excited to be the RA of Boswell! I am studying Psychology and Computer Science and am extremely passionate about technology, DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), and leadership. On campus, I am an Admissions Tour Guide and Senior Interviewer, CARE Center Fellow, and Kravis Leadership Institute (KLI) Institute Fellow. In my free time I love taking photos, playing tennis, and cooking. As an RA, I am so excited to meet tons of new people, welcome our two new classes to campus, and host some amazing events! I cannot wait to see all of you on campus in the fall! CLAREMONT Ashley Wang Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): Econ-Accounting & Data Science Hey everyone! My name is Ashley Wang and I will be the RA of Claremont Hall! I’m from Pasadena, CA and I’m majoring in Econ-Accounting with a Data Science sequence. I love camping, being in nature, playing tennis, going to concerts, and reading. On campus, you’ll find me in Bauer Reading room or watching the sunset on Marston Quad. I spent most of the pandemic back home and in San Diego so I’m super excited to return and welcome everyone back to campus! Please swing by Chall to see me and say hello! :) CROWN Josiah Tarrant Pronouns: He/Him/His Major(s): Economics w/ Leadership Sequence CMC!! My name is Josiah and I’m stoked to be one of the Co-RAs of Crown. I am from Westport, CT, about an hour outside of NYC. I like to think that my vibe is New York intensity meets California chill. I’ve got an awesome 14-year-old brother with a big personality who took over my room and wouldn’t give it back during the pandemic (doesn’t that just sum it all up)! While I no longer swim competitively, I still haven’t kicked the early wake up habit so find me at Collins at 7:30am. I study Economics at CMC and I may be the best ice cream scooper you ever meet. I geek out over music (and concerts!), cooking and food, laughing over the little things, technology, CMC Admission, and ITWP (iykyk). My favorite part of CMC is the people I’ve met, and yelling “hello” across campus is one of my things, so yell back! Hyped to be back on campus! See you soon! Hannah Zhang Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): Math + Econ + data science seq Hi! My name is Hannah and I'm so excited to be one of your co-RAs of Crown!! I'm from Arcadia, California and currently a Math + Econ (pending data science seq?) major. On campus, I'm involved in CPB, APAM, and SWS(lots of acronyms haha). One of my favorite hobbies back on campus is exploring new study spaces at the 5C's--my top ones have been Estella (previously Milikan) at Pomona, the hub, and Crown lounge (best lounge/dorm on campus hands down). I'm also a huge foodie, and am always down for a trip to the Village to get some good eats! In my free time, I also love binging reality TV(the trashier the better)like the Bachelor, Love Island, and more. Feel free to stop by 2nd floor Crown, and can't wait to meet/see you all again back on campus! FAWCETT Sophia Ramirez-Brown Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): PPE and International Relations Dual Major Hi everyone! My name is Sophia RB (or RB if you know one too many Sophias) and I am so excited to be one of the Fawcett co-RAs!! I'm a PPE and International Relations Dual Major, so come talk to me anytime about politics. I'm a born and raised LA native and a huge coffee fan, and you can always find me at one of the many cafes on/around the 5Cs. I was super fortunate last fall to study abroad in Seoul in the midst of the pandemic, and spent last spring taking online classes in Eugene, Oregon. Though I love to travel, I cannot wait to be back on campus in the fall! In my free time I love to hike, explore local restaurants, watch Netflix, and volunteer at the Children's School on campus. Regardless of if you're my resident or not, I would love to chat (or binge Bob's Burgers) with you, so come on by! Natasha Wong Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): Computer Science and Asian Studies Hello hello! My name is Natasha Wong and I’m stoked to be your RA for Fawcett (I promise, we’re about to get Fawce-lit). I was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and over the past year, I’ve unfortunately gained the ability to convert time quickly between Pacific and Malaysia time. I’m a computer science (at Mudd) and Asian studies (at Pomona) double major, and I’m not looking forward to having to speed walk between the two soon. I am looking forward though, to grabbing boba with people (literally anytime at all), being reunited with my guitar I bought right before leaving campus (also big on music so send me any music recs at all), and meeting all of you (woo!)! Outside of the classroom, I’m part of the Roberts Environmental Center, Claremont Consulting Group, and Claremont Christian Fellowship. Being at home over the past year has made me incredibly excited to meet people, so Fawcett resident or not, swing on by to the room with *the best* views on campus – Fawcett 806 anytime! :) GREEN Sam Harrison Pronouns: he/him/his Major(s): RDS BA/MA Economics, Finance Howdy! My name is Sam and I will be the RA of Green Hall for the 2021-2022 school year. On campus I play on the CMS Men's Water Polo team and serve as Executive Vice-President of ASCMC. In my free time, I like to play Super Smash Bros. and go surfing. A fun fact about me is I've only ever lived in Green Hall on campus, and I will never have done room draw (Green 216 for life, shoutout Andrew Winssinger CMC'22)! I'm super stoked to meet all the future lovely Green residents and friends of residents :) Here's to the best dorm, and best year yet! MARKS Chase Mendell Pronouns: He/Him/His Major(s): Environment, Economics and Politics Hi everyone! My name is Chase Mendell. I am super excited to be the Marks RA!!! I am from just outside Philadelphia. Fun fact: HBO's "Mare of Easttown" was filmed right by my house. I am an EEP major with a sequence in Data Science. Outside of class, I work at the Roberts Environmental Center, lead OI trips and procrastinate my work by going to the beach as much as possible. I have a mild coffee addiction so feel free to stop by if you want some cold brew! Jocelyn Song Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): Media Studies and Economics dual major with an Asian American Studies sequence Hi everyone! My name is Jocelyn Song, and I’m super excited to be one of the new RAs for Marks! I’m from Monterey Park, CA (basically East LA) and I’m dual majoring in Media Studies and Econ with an Asian American Studies sequence. On campus, I’m either shooting hoops with my teammates in Roberts, meeting up with the APAMily in CARE, getting my ~almost daily~ fix of overnight oats at the Hub, or procrastinating at a table near the Kravis faculty offices. In my free time, I love watching films/TV (psycho thrillers are my fav!), going on boba runs, and having long late-night talks. With that being said, please swing by Marks to chat about anything! Can’t wait to meet y'all and see your lovely faces in person!! :) PHILLIPS Leila El Masri Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): Chemistry-Government dual! Hey guys!! My name is Leila and I'm originally from Houston, Texas (Texas forever bb). I'm so excited to be the RA of Phillips this year! On campus I'm a chem-gov dual major and I'm super passionate about environmental chemistry- you'll find me doing research at Keck on wildfire emissions! If I'm not doing research, catch me at Axelrood pool getting some yards in as a member of the CMS swim team, planning the next Middle Eastern culture event on campus, or arguing over which dining hall is truly the best. As a member of the Yelp Elite Squad I'm always talking about food, so if you need some good recs head my way! I also LOVE watching The Office and Seinfeld, and I'm obsessed with Pepo Melo in the Village (peep me with the gals on Sundays). Hop on over to Phillips because my door is always open and a plethora of TJs snacks are always on hand!! I can't wait to see y'all soon! Leila ;) STARK Luke Webb Pronouns: he/him/his Major(s): Econ-Accounting What up! My name is Luke Webb and I am going to be the RA at Stark Hall and I am unbelievably stoked about it. I cannot wait to get back to campus to see everyone and have a great last year. A little bit about myself is that I have a dog named Bear who is a labradoodle with a huge nose, I have a collection of, at the time that I am writing this, 62 Cheez-It boxes, I am a huge Phoenix Suns fan and their playoff run has been absurd, my Chipotle order is a bowl with white rice, both beans, sofritas, veggies, lettuce, mild salsa, medium salsa, and guac, lastly, I am the self-proclaimed best Super Smash Bros Ultimate player at the 5C's and I welcome any challenge. Hyped to be the Stark RA with the amazing and wonderful Avi Gupta and looking forward to a great year! WOHLFORD Aditi Chitre Pronouns: she/her/hers Major(s): Neuroscience and Philosophy Hi everyone! I’m Aditi, the new RA for the best dorm on campus. I’m from a quaint little town in SoCal called Claremont, am a Neurophilosophy major, and am planning on going to medical school. I’m interested in the intersections of healthcare, technology, & society, and am passionate about veganism, the Oxford comma, and sleeping. I love being active by running around Claremont or even trekking to Mudd for dinner. On campus you can find me studying at Poppa or Honnold, laying by the Scripps pool, or sticking people’s heads with EEG gel in lab. I also run the Claremont Colleges EMS, an amazing community for pre-health students. Off campus you can almost certainly find me eating açaí bowls at Pepo Melo, chilling at the beach, or doing my laundry at home. Come by Wohlf literally anytime to talk, vent, or share indie/rock/R&B song recs!

  • Class of 2021: Senior Superlatives

    August of 2017, it was a perfect 85-degree day. The dry California dessert glistening as the airplane landed in Ontario. A student struggles with their oversized luggage into a car with destination Claremont Mckenna College in mind. This student was initially fearful of the big upperclassmen, but cautiously excited for what lied ahead of them in their mid-quad double. Would their roommate be nice? Messy? Early sleeper? Party animal? As Mom walked out of their roughly decorated room that day, they were comforted by the fact that they were wearing their very nicest and newest outfit –shorts from Nordstrom and new Adidas shoes. Walking out of their room, they heard a loud: “WELCOME TO CMC!!!!” It was time to join their WOA trip and to meet some other new faces. The new student wondered: “Where am I? How did I end up here? Maybe I should have committed to USC. People seem WAY too happy here.” As they got on the bus to attend their rafting trip, listened to stories of Russian National anthems, crazy high school party experiences, and played lots of mafia games. They heard endless stories of Pirate Party and FYGs who woke up in bushes – do people even study here? Upon getting back on campus, this first year saw more upperclassmen on campus, moving in big couches and massive speakers into their North Quad rooms. It was unbelievable. Their rooms seemed so fun. When class registration arrived, every class was full, except for the 8:15AM FHS class. “Whatever, I had to get up at 6:30 in high school anyways.” (BIG mistake). This student’s FYG had to calm them down – “Don’t worry, just PERM your way in. Don’t worry about it!” 6:01 hit. Wearing a swimsuit in broad daylight, a slip-n-slide, champagne bottles, and great EDM music? The first year’s FYGs were not just amazing during WOA, They knew how to get their FYGlets in order. It was time to dance and meet other first years! Club interviews began to start. Rose, SOURCE, CCG, SIF. SO MANY ACRONYMS. There was no time to prepare. It was application after application. All the club leaders seemed so friendly, but the clubs were so intimidating. Interview after interview, they finally got into SIF after zero investment experience. Midterms happened… Best erased from memory. Scripps steak and salmon night was non-negotiable. Mudd burritos were even better. Poppa was a little intimidating, since all the seniors hung out there. Marks lounge seemed like a safer bet. Getting a skateboard seemed like the right move. “Let’s get a meal some time!” was said too many times. Roberts was going to be a daily activity (lol). Upon the last week of the first year, this once young student had grown up a bit. There was so much time left, though! Next year, they wanted to join ballroom dance. They wanted to have a room where everyone stopped by to say hi. They wanted to read more on the weekends outside on Green Beach and actually follow up on their dinner plans. They wanted to make it to Frank breakfast and spend more time at the Pitzer pool. Three more years! First year was a success, but for now, it was time to study for their three midterms. Two years later, this once young student had somehow grown up. As they moved in their massive speaker and couch into their North Quad dorm, they didn’t think twice. There was half of college left to enjoy! This year, they would take upper-level economics classes and start looking for a serious junior internship. It was time to take leadership positions in their clubs and attend the Ath talks. With many friends in their room after moving in that night, they knew that they never wanted to leave. Fast forward to senior year, they realized… There was a final Scripps steak and salmon night. There was a final Roberts workout. A final SIF meeting. A last day with their roommate in North Quad. A final Frank Sunday morning brunch. A final Poppa study session. A final late-night talk with that special someone. A final in-person class with their favorite professor. A final Pirate Party. A final goodbye. But in those three years, this student grew with their class and found their place on campus. Hit by a virus in the middle of their junior year, they were confused but still excited. “There’s always next month. We’ll be back on campus in no time. Goodbye isn’t forever. CMC will be back at the latest by our senior fall!” As time away from campus extended, the student learned to Zoom through classes. They moved into a house with a few friends. Class group collaboration no longer meant meeting in the library. Instead, it was in a scheduled Zoom link. This once young first year made the most of their college experience during the pandemic. They learned how to socially distance but remain social. They got vaccinated. They went to the beach and went on hikes. They went skiing. They road tripped to Joshua Tree. They learned to love boat rides. They met new friends. They became a quarantine chef. They watched all of Love Island. They helped out at home. They learned to hangout in Arrow Vista and College Park instead of North Quad. This student found their place on campus over the course of four years. They gained and lost friends along the way. They networked and got internships. But most of all, they looked back and said that CMC was the best thing that ever happened to them.

  • Class of 2021: Six Word Memoirs

    Following the tradition established by Claremont McKenna seniors many years before us, the Class of 2021 presents its six-word memoirs. In a virtual senior year ravaged by the COVID-19 global pandemic, we were able to collect more responses than ever before. Our conclusion? The Class of 2021 is more resilient and cohesive than we ever could have imagined. From sentimental on-campus activities to insatiable hunger and thirst during late nights to complete inside-joke gibberish, we present the concise, yet all-encompassing quotes from the senior class of 2021. To whom it may concern, please remember us for our fun-loving, work-hard, and positive attitudes. We didn’t deserve a senior year like this, but we made the most of it. Goodbyes are not forever. We will be back soon. Compiled by David Ying ’21. Abby DeShazo: Wohlford205: we'll plan parties & nurse hangovers Abby Gilliland: I did not kill the bunny. Adrienne Kafka: Come to Collins, it’s Little Italy! Alejandro Posada-Sanchez: Wheres the Vegas Money? Alex McDonald: Hey JT, aim for the bushes? Allison So: Stop hating on my scooter! Amanda Huang: i think we all sing Amelia Ayala: Send Lins at 5 for din? Angel Ornelas: Fancy dinners and good food at Ath Angela Chen: Coffeeshop? Sunrises? Meet at Fawcett 808. Anisha Advani: CMC: Crown, Keck, Friends, Dance...Repeat! Anna Green: It's not easy being Green Anne Jang: I mean, I'm not not down Barron Banta: Time to light the beacons Brandon N. Piel: Yada yada guacamole smiles Bactrian camel Brandon Ruiz: Wait when is that due again? Bryan Williams: Take me back to snack Caitlyn Louzado: I'm giving up meat next week Cameron Hamson: Tired, stressed, cold brew, can't lose Cameron Hendrickson: I’m gonna be at the Motley Cameron Lauren Gonzales: Let's day drink, then Pitzer pasta? Camrion Davis: Stay gold Ponyboy, stay gold Caroline Cox: I like it rough but my lentils tender Caroline Houghton: 50 degrees, bring a winter coat Carolyn Weisman: It’s Carolyn not Caroline Chahat Kaur: Everything at once. Yes, its doable :) Chance Sears: the challesseum, ever heard of it? Charles Streator: Had Bar in Room, Not Books Chris Hu: Meet you at South Quad! Christopher Box: Stratospherical study habits, stags. Collins now. Cindy Duong: I haven't really thought about it Clayton North: late nights end on crown roof Coleman Cornell: These freshman took our snack table... Daniela Finkel: Sorry I think you're still muted! David Chen: Yes, I stash pineapple dole whip. David Ying: Boz101 #imnotleaving Diana Hernandez: Aveces lloré, aveces dudé, pero nunca me rajé Emily Bhatt: I'm taking a 30 minute nap Emily Howard: probably with the same 7 people Emily Pugh: That girl who lives at Pomona Emma David: Can I wear sweats to that? Furaha Njoroge: It isss what it issss. Gabriel Blum: Uh oh, I PPE'd Georgia Dietz: Eat. Sleep. Repeat. At the Hub. Georgia Wood: Maxwell I messed up again Grace Pratt: Missing Sunday Morning(s) with the Nas Hank Snowdon: CMC senior allegedly graduates Harrison Hosking: At Snack, 4seater - everyone is here Hephzibah Oyibo: "let's grab a meal" Isabella Maramica: Guys, I'm not a corporate sellout... Jacob Adolphe: Did unspeakable things for Collins cookies JaDa Johnson: H-Town, Hold It Down Jake Leischner: Third Most Popular Boy in School. Jason Newman: Its 2pm on a Tuesday Jennifer Collao: where's the Vegas money? Jennifer Franklin: Anyone want to go to In-N-Out? Jennifer Zhuge: Hoch at 6, grutoring at 7? Jeremy Seow: I wear many hats Jessica Fox: Do you want that on flex? Johnson Lin: Yours Truly Jordan Venglass: Send me a GCal invite? Joseph Deleon: Long story short I survived Josh T Meadows: Yes I should have already graduated Josh Tatum: With great power comes great responsitrilitrons Joshua Rodriguez: Can I get an extension, please? Josie Savaria-Watson: the first 2.75 was really great Juan Diego Herrera: Party? Sorry bro, got CS homework Julia Catolico: I still don’t understand consulting Julia Hwang: Alright, who stole my scooter? Anonymous: I'm quitting when this vape dies Kalee Cummings: I'd rather be at McKenna Palooza Kate Parrish: What even is a sagehen though Katherine Adelman: Just a girl and her blanket. Katrina Ostrom: A one hip wonder! Kelly Keene: Have courage and be kind Kiubon Kokko: Let's jump out of a plane. Koss Klobucher: Easy peasy difficult lemon difficult difficult Kyrellos Ibrahim: You haven’t started the reading yet either? Laky Li: Friends are the family you choose ❤️ Lauren Gode: lobotomy, acron, binchy, bonchy, gorl Lauren Trihy: CMC Advocates' Hotline is 909-377-2400 Lauren Widasky: fancy little dinner party... who's down? Leana Jacobs: Hub chicken tenders calling my name Lincoln Bernard: Single-digit hour wakeup? That's too early Lizzette Roja: I can't believe I did that Luke Dhillon: I go to snack to socialize Luke Ostrander: Whatever you do, go all in M. Matt Sill: Oh four, twenty-eight, nineteen <3 Maezelle Millan: I'm just here for Roberts Pavilion. Matiss Ozols: My accent’s fake, I’m Latvian, Sorry Matty Grundlingh: I'm doing the best at this Max Dawson: I'd live at the hub Max Fisher: Here for a good-time, not long-time Maxine Baghdadi: Chicken tenders and curly fries please Megan Perron: Please change EEP to PEE Meyya Muthiah: Been in Claremont 2/4 years hehe Michael Hess: Sorry, I can't. I have lab. Mimi Thompson: Please don't forget me: Mimi Thompson Mrinalini Bhushan: There's a party in my head Nandeeni Patel: D3 competitive napper. Natalie Gould: Do I still go to CMC? Nicholas Mendez: Lads and Gals it’s been fun Nick Britt: Grub? Mongolian Stir Fry? Nicolas Ludwig: Welcome to the DL, full bass Nina Samko: I had 4 cups of coffee. Olivia Ison: Sponsored by Diet Coke. Olivia Snell: Could you take my survey? Patricio Madero: This GE is so useless Renee Perper: Oh, you mean Toaster's mom? Rishi Raj Deva: quick motley break? **4 hours pass Robert Cain: Find me in the Hub Sabrina Hartono: I'm sorry, can't tonight; I have Ath Sam Fiske: This is a six word memoir Sami Murphy: Don't tempt me with a good time Satya Mindich: Fancy breakfast day is every day Sean Pine: Real friends Late nights Birch lab Seoyoon Lee: Thank you CMC. We'll miss you. Sevion DaCosta: Tomorrow isn't promised, not even today Shanil Verjee: Deep breath. Chin up. Hub quesadilla. Simran Arora: lets go get pepo melo? Skyler Addison: I'm not turning the music down Spencer Lang: Mudd breakfast -- always worth the walk Stuti Grover: I'm not feeling very worky today Teressa Ulrich: There’s a dog on campus? Where?! Theodore Chamberlain: It's simpler than they tell you. Tori Johnson: echo that idea... Tumisang Michelle Mosedame: Econ bro money without the attitude Uddhav Gupta: Will I regret these six words? Vera Kratz: In Mailroom, wanna grab Frary takeout? Vi Nguyen: Shoutout to the history department :) Walter Brostrom: Garlic? Wendy Torres-Badajoz: It is what it issssssss Will Birchard: Pritz and Roberto's are my home Xinran Xing: Come to College Park - I'll cook. Xinyi Zhang: The AC has its own temper Anonymous: I'm quitting when this vape dies Yusuf Ismaeel: A very hazy four years Ziad Badr: Hot take: Collins best dining hall

  • Class of 2024: First-Year Class President Candidate Statements

    It's nerve-racking being a freshman, especially in this pandemic. Everything about CMC and remote learning is new for you. It's impressive when first-year students step out of their comfort zones, especially by doing things such as running for class president! In a remote setting, it can be challenging to get to know your peers. So, let's read what they have to say! Lexi Punishill What’s up Stagthenas!? I’m Lexi Punishill and I’m hoping to get your vote for first year class president. I knew I wanted to attend CMC from the second I set foot on campus. I fell in love with the environment and felt instantly at home. My goal as your president is to make sure we continue to promote that welcoming environment amongst everyone in the student body. I want to make sure that everyone feels at home at CMC. We as a class have already had engaging and reflective conversations, and I want to not only continue having those discussions within our class, but to promote those open and productive conversations to members of the student body and faculty. I am a huge promoter of freshman bonding activities. I have loved getting to know all of you through our Zooms and I want to keep that attitude and excitement going. Whether it is virtual events (synchronous and asynchronous) or hopefully physical in the spring, as your president I will make sure that this class stays as strong and tight-knit as possible. We will continue to have more class zooms within CMC but also as a 5C community. We have already established ourselves as the most cohesive class that CMC has seen to date, and it is my desire as President to keep it that way. I am beyond committed to being the voice of the Class of 2024 and making sure that everyone has a voice in making the CMC environment a better place. I am so happy to be at CMC and I want to guarantee that everyone feels the same way. Vote for a president who will continue to make CMC the best place to be! I am always open to chat so DM/text/snap/email with any questions!! Bertha Tobias When I initially read the email about First Year Class President, my intuitive response was to ignore it and go about my day. I justified my fear with the fact that I’m not American, and subsequently that the Class of 2024 wouldn’t buy into the leadership of a sub-saharan African student. This self-doubt is exactly why I decided to run. CMC is a place where all of us should feel fully, genuinely and authentically at home. A space where each one of us has the tools to thrive academically, socially and mentally. Having graduated high school in China, I’m acutely aware of the importance of bridging cultural and social gaps, and existing alongside each other as full humans. My strong conviction to ensure that CMC remains inclusive and healthy has effectively informed my three campaign pillars: Institutional cohesion: fostering community through establishing meaningful links between different racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups in the class of 2024 through efforts such as online game nights, Zoom karaoke, online multicultural training and anything you deem necessary as a year group Intentional inclusion: the strategic and targeted acknowledgement of everybody’s identity through initiatives such as culture weeks dedicated to expanding our collective knowledge bases of the sociopolitical identities represented in our class and protecting low income students who are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 Overall representation: active representation to executive leadership of different parts of our unique individual experiences through policy formulation and implementation which recognizes the importance of racial, ethnic, regional, socioeconomic and mental health struggles I’m not going to promise a dramatic transformation of our class experience. What I will promise, is to use my professional experience, passion and conviction to improve our experience of CMC, online or offline. Whether or not you elect me as your FYCP, I hope my running reminds someone that they’re valid, that their presence is valued and that CMC‘ 24 is home to all of us! Yours in all things authentic, Bertha Tobias Find out more about Bertha on Theo Siasat Dear Class of 2024, My name is Theo Siasat and I’m from Glendale, California. A little bit about me: in my free time, you’ll catch me working out, attempting to learn the piano or listening to Playboi Carti, The Weeknd, and Frank Ocean. During high school, I was a basketball captain, principal string bassist in the orchestra, interned for my Congressman, and founded my school’s first Mental Health Awareness Club. And now, I’m running to be your first-year class president. I look forward to meeting and hearing from every single one of you! As a first-generation, low-income student, I understand the numerous challenges that come with college, even when it’s virtual. I will advocate for all underserved and disadvantaged students. As a member of the Academic Working Group at CMC, I already know what working with faculty to enact real change looks like. I also hope to highlight the diversity that makes our class so great, by spotlighting groups like Mi Gente, BSU, SAGA, APAM and more! I have so many ideas for us to connect during this time. Just to name a few: Redemption Prom! CMC Class of ‘24 merch, designed by us. WOA Trips (hopefully) in the spring! 5C Connections! More accessible virtual events to accommodate people from all over the world. These are only my ideas, though. I want to know what you want out of our first year at CMC. I want to represent the whole class and your ideas, dreams, and wishes. I want to bring a culmination of your voices to the forefront of ASCMC. I’m open to feedback from any of you. Feel free to email me at or dm me at @theosiasat on Instagram. And remember, a vote for T is a vote for yee! Liann Bielicki Hello hello, fellow first-years! I’m Liann Bielicki, and I’m running to be your class president. I’m from the Bay Area, but I’m itching to be on campus with you all in Claremont. In high school, I worked for the community engagement program at a local museum and successfully led clubs like Speech and Debate, Model UN, and Mock Trial. Lately I’ve found myself thinking about how our class functions, and how us students can build each other up. My campaign values are community and accountability. Specifically, I’m interested in how, as FYCP, I can develop virtual events and represent our class’ needs with an eye towards sustainability, mental health, and inclusion. For instance, I want to move away from Zoom as a default by providing both synchronous and asynchronous activities to better accommodate schedules. I believe that there is amazing work being done for sustainability and mental health, but that existing projects need fresh eyes and expansion. I want to interrogate how CMC can become more environmentally friendly, and how mental health resources can be demystified and destigmatized. I know how to manage a budget, plan events, and advocate for all of your needs. And I already have a plan of attack. I know that candidates can start blending together. We’re all dedicated, experienced, and capable; after all, we’re CMCers. But I can make you a unique promise, on top of my comprehensive campaign details. I want to be the mouthpiece for our class’ issues and wishes, so I plan on taking the initiative to talk with every single first-year. I want to truly represent you all. With that in mind, feel free to message me any time-- and vote for me this weekend for FYCP! Zane Yamamoto Hey guys! I’m Zane Yamamoto and I’m running to be your first-year class president. I served as class president for three years at my high school, and I helped to overhaul our student government into an organization that actually had a meaningful voice with the administration, advocated for students’ needs, and worked to find common ground. If there’s one thing this pandemic has made clear it’s that we need to THINK BIG and BE BOLD. We can’t approach this like a normal year because it isn’t. We have to innovate, improvise, and improve upon the structures and systems already in place to create a CMC community that thrives digitally and feels like home to students from all walks of life. As I’m sure you guys are tired of hearing already, I’m from Honolulu, Hawai’i. I don’t emphasize this point to invoke images of hula dancers, ukuleles, and surfing. I do it because growing up in Hawai’i, I was surrounded by other people of color. I got to see people with last names like mine hold political office, lead businesses, and serve as community leaders. And I witnessed people from cultures across the globe who didn’t just coexist but thrived together. Now, there’s still a lot of work to be done, but that’s just how CMC will be. I won’t promise that if you vote for me, you’ll wake up the next day in a utopia. Change and progress won’t happen overnight, regardless of who you vote for. But I can promise that I can help lead that effort, day in and day out, to forge the kind of class WE want to see. Aloha, Zane Yamamoto Kenneth Owusu Hi, my name is Kenneth Owusu and I am running for your First Year Class President (FYCP)! This year has been a shared experience unique to the CO’ 2024. The impacts of a pandemic turned our lives upside down and tragic events called for us to re-examine America as we know it. We’ve had to be the most innovative class yet to deal with all this change- which I am proud to say we embraced beautifully. We’ve done an amazing job connecting online and engaging in difficult conversations and my wish is to continue to embrace change and improve our community with your help. I was born in Ghana and live in the Bronx, New York City. I like to say I don't really have a hobby because I prefer doing and trying new things (the more adrenaline inducing, the better). I spent most of my time pre-Corona trying different restaurants around NYC. As of now, I spend my day (when I’m not doing work) cooking, making bracelets, listening to Philosophize This, and scrolling through TikTok (probably my favorite thing to do). I haven't declared a major yet but I am thinking of PPE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), PPA (Philosophy and Public Affairs), International Relations or some combination of those subjects. I spent my high school career exploring different subjects of interest through outside programs such as interning at the MET (Metropolitan Museum of Art), MedDocs- where I studied Cardiology, Pulmonology, and Neurology at Mount Sinai hospital, taking a course on psychology at a local college, and last year I had the opportunity to travel to Italy as a student diplomat to learn about sustainability and the ongoing slow food movement. My interests are all over the place and I love talking about them so please DM and let's chat! As FYCP, I plan to: Expand the current anti-racism initiative to address other forms of prejudice and encourage intersectional activism to creates lasting change; Encourage an environmentally conscious campus community; Actively listen to and address the unique needs of the CO’24. My initiatives are meant to build and advocate for a more environmentally and socially sustainable campus community as well as to be the person you can rely on to act as your voice. If this is what you want, vote Kenneth for FYCP! Michael Gadinis Hey everyone! My name is Michael Gadinis and I’m running to be your first-year Class President. Since I only have so many words, I’ll give a quick description of who I am. I’m from Syosset, New York, I love animal crackers and cake, I have a dog named Shadow, and I work at Starbucks. Outside of these random facts, why should you vote for me to be your first-year Class President? The main reason I think I’m the best candidate is that I’ll be a representative of the class just as much as I’ll be a president of the class. I have a lot of ideas I’d implement in our first year, including: holding elections for cabinet members instead of appointing them, ensuring we have an in-person club fair catered specifically towards our class, and holding synchronous and asynchronous events to keep us all connected with each other during this online semester (Zoom calls, class-curated playlists, games of Among Us, etc.) But more importantly, I’ll fight for our class. If there’s a class-wide event you want to see happen, I’ll make sure it happens. If you’re having issues handling hardships this pandemic brings and being a full-time student, I’ll be there to help you gain access to whatever support you need. If there’s some sort of institutional change you want to see within CMC, I’ll fight until we see that change occur. Even though we’re only one month into our virtual first semester, this class already means a lot to me. I’ve loved getting to know you all through classes, group chats, and Zoom calls, and so I’d love to represent you all as your first year Class President. If you have any questions about my platform or just want to talk, feel free to reach out to me at or through my Instagram (@michael.gadinis)!

  • Introducing the 2020-2021 Editorial Board!

    We're proud to introduce the members of our Editorial Board. The new editors are enthusiastic about a variety of topics, and hope to bring you reliable and relatable content. Evelyn Zixuan Wang ‘22 Editor-in-Chief Evelyn is a Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) major from Tianjin, China. In this remote semester, she misses Californian sunshine and the Korean tofu soup places near Claremont. She wants to bring CMC the most authentic and up-to-date content in the most interesting way possible. When Evelyn is far from home on campus, she finds CMC to be her safe harbor where she can be her true self. As Editor-in-Chief, she wants to make The Forum a safe space for everyone to have themselves heard by their community and a space for great storytelling. Georgia Tuckerman ‘22 Managing Editor and Opinion Editor Georgia is a junior at CMC from Columbus, Ohio. She is majoring in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) and Spanish. At CMC, she is also a member of the CMS Women’s Tennis Team. Georgia believes that the goal of journalism should be to help people and not hurt them. She wants the CMC Forum to be a unifying and inclusive force on campus. In her free time, Georgia loves to hike, watch Ohio State football, and eat ice cream. Miriam Farah ‘23 News Editor Miriam is a sophomore majoring in Public Policy and History from Redondo Beach, California. She has enjoyed journalism since high school, and she is happy to continue that passion at CMC. She looks forward to covering campus news, especially during this online semester and the current political climate. In her free time, you can find her eating acai bowls at the beach, making (a lot) playlists, and reading! Feel free to talk to her about any story ideas! Chandler Presson ‘21 Life Editor Chandler hails from North Carolina, the land of humidity and hushpuppies (if you don't know, look them up for your own good). A senior majoring in History and Literature, Chandler loves to write almost as much as she loves to read. When she isn't procrastinating through reading the New Yorker, you can find Chandler consulting students at the CWPD or in line at the Motley. As a Life Editor, she hopes to assist her fellow writers in authentically sharing their experiences as CMC students. Anya Syed ‘23 Copy Editor Anya Syed is a second-year International Relations and Economics major. Growing up in London means that she loves to eat good food and explore new areas. Anya is very excited to be a copy editor for the Forum this year, and she will make sure it is fun and easy to read! Maria Emilia Piacsek ‘22 Photo Editor Maria Emilia Piacsek, but most people call her Mila, is proud to call Sao Paulo, Brazil home. A junior at CMC, Mila is an International Relations major with a Human Rights sequence. During her first year at CMC, she loved her job as a photographer for The Forum, so she cannot wait to be the new Photo Editor. She wants everyone to feel free to approach her during events so they can be featured in The Forum! Brandon Mitchell ‘21 Web Manager Coming from Seattle, Brandon Mitchell is a senior majoring in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. He enjoys playing baseball, hanging with friends, and watching repeats of The Office. He hopes one day he will have a major impact on the world through tech and science. David Ying '21 Business Manager Coming from Illinois, David attends Claremont McKenna College in the pursuit of widening his domestic and international perspectives. Apart from just writing, he enjoys surfing (currently learning), archery, watching Patriots football, hiking, and exploring LA. He is also well-versed in ballroom dancing, especially the tango and the waltz. While he is not being active, you can find him either sleeping, eating, or brainstorming his next Forum piece. Zachary Davis ‘24 Social Media Manager Zachary Davis is a first-year at CMC from North California prospectively majoring in PPE with the Legal Studies and Data Science sequences. Zac's excited to join campus for the first time as a student. Beyond the Forum, you'll see Zac on virtual campus at Kravis Lab, CMG, CCC, and Vector Data Analytics. In Zac's spare time, Zac coaches debate, writes, and sings!

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