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Five Steps to Getting Paid for Your On-Campus Job

Jocelyn Song

If you were recently hired or have been thinking about working on campus, it is necessary that you familiarize yourself with Payroll. Payroll, a part of CMC’s Office of Treasurer, manages everything related to student employment: employee/supervisor information, the amount paid to employees during a pay period, all the records of the wages and totals for the year, etc. The Payroll office is located in Bauer South B31, and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am-noon and 1:00pm-5:00pm. Monica Diaz is the supervisor of Payroll. She oversees all the activity happening in the office and is willing to help students with their paperwork.

Not a CMC student, but an on-campus employee? You can still be cleared through Payroll. There are a few steps you need to complete at Payroll in order to get cleared to work.


In order to get your work-clearance card, you are REQUIRED to bring original copies of UNEXPIRED documents and complete a Student Information form packet. In the packet, you will need to fill out the required paperwork provided. This includes your I-9, W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate, Acknowledgement of Meal and Rest Period, Deposit preference, and the CMC Employee Identification Record. Filling out the packet is straightforward, but, again, if you have any questions, Monica is there to help. After Payroll photocopies your documents and collects your completed packet, you will receive your work-clearance card.

The work-clearance card is given to you after Payroll photocopies your documents and collects your completed Student Information form Packet.


If you have already been hired, it is important to check in with your supervisor. Your supervisor needs to send a Personal Action Form (PAF), a form that provides Payroll with your information, start date, position title, wage, and account information. The PAF gives Payroll a heads-up that you have been hired.

When you log into your Workday account, you will see the picture above. There are different applications for you to access here, but the most important aspect of this system is Kronos (circled in red).


When you log into your Workday account, you will see the picture above. There are different applications for you to access here, but the most important aspect of this system is Kronos (circled in red).

Begin working and keep track of your hours! While you do so, Payroll will be processing all of your information from the PAF into the Workday system. Once your information is put into the Workday system (usually takes 2+ weeks depending on the high volume of new student hires), you will receive two emails to complete the on-boarding process for your Kronos account. Your Workday account will allow you to see your information given to Payroll and will give you access to Kronos. You will be able to record all of your hours on a timecard within a certain pay period in Kronos. When you receive these emails, return to Payroll WITH YOUR COMPUTER and complete the on-boarding process there. Upon completion, you will have access to your timecard on Kronos in 24 hours.


As soon as you gain access to your Kronos timecard, it is best to ask Monica to show you how to input all of your hours into a timecard for the current pay period. Each pay period covers a span of two weeks, and your timecard in Kronos will show you the current pay period. It is important to make sure that all your on-campus jobs are listed when clicking on “Transfer.” If you have worked during a previous pay period, Payroll has paperwork for all the past pay periods where you can manually log your hours. Be sure to submit your timecards in Kronos or to Monica.

When you get into Kronos, you will see the picture above. This is an example of a timecard for the pay period of late November and early December.


Within a few days, you will start receiving your hard-earned money! If you have not received your paychecks, make a trip to Payroll to resolve the issue.


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