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Senate Discusses Improvements to Student Life and Campus Efficiency, Nov 20

November 21, 2017

by Robert Cain

Senate Discusses Improvements to Student Life and Campus Efficiency, Nov 20

This week, Senate discussed some of the initiatives geared towards improving student life and upgrading the efficiency of on-campus facilities.  Environmental Affairs Committee Chair Sam Becker ‘19 hopes to invite more Athenaeum speakers to discuss topics pertaining to environmental sustainability. He is also working on replacing the Hub menus and mailroom notification slips with a digital alternative in order to conserve paper. Executive Vice President Patrick Elliott ‘19 noted his efforts towards increasing the frequency of extended library hours and installing televisions in South Quad lounges.

President Pro Tempore Thomas Schalke ‘18 presented some of the changes made to the ASCMC website, including the addition of profile pages for Executive Board members. He also detailed the alterations to the Constitution. Even though Senate no longer has a vote on this document, protocol states that Senate must see it before the Executive Board makes a final decision. Executive President Sami Malas ‘19 also introduced the 2018 budget and some of the cuts made to various allocations, such as the general fund.

Senate will continue to meet on Mondays at 9 p.m.; stay tuned for emails from Elliot to know where next week’s meeting will take place.

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