Pitzer President Laura Skandera Trombley Resigns
December 4, 2014

by Hanna Bottum
On December 2nd, Pitzer President Laura Skandera Trombley announced her resignation, effective June 30, 2015. Professor Thomas Poon, a Chemistry professor and a former Associate Dean of Faculty, will step in as interim president. Meanwhile, President Trombley has been named President of The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens. President Trombley is currently on sabbatical, her second since becoming president of the college, and she will return in the spring semester to finish out her time as president. Trombley is using the time to continue working on her book about Mark Twain, who has long been a focus of her research. Beyond an article for The Daily Beast entitled "Mark Twain's Sex Toys," Skandera has written two books on the author and how the women in his life impacted his writing.
Appointed by Pitzer's Board of Trustees, Professor Poon is acting as interim President this fall while Trombley is on sabbatical. Professor Poon will take over as interim president for next year, effective July 1, 2015.
President Trombley has served as President of Pitzer College for 12 years, making her the longest-serving President. Under her leadership, Pitzer has risen in college rankings, and her fundraising efforts have increased Pitzer's endowment to an all-time high.
Trombley will replace Steven Koblik as President of the Huntington. Located in San Marino, the Huntington includes an extensive library, art galleries, and botanical gardens. In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times, Trombley commented on her new role, "My elevator pitch for the Huntington is that we all, everyone I have met in my life, loves the humanities. They’re just not [always] aware of it."