The New RA Lineup
March 27, 2011
The Forum

It's that time of year again. With Spring Break 2011 now passed, a new set of RA's will be moving into the dorms. The Forum talked with the new crew, and rest assured that they're definitely a RAd group of people! (That joke took 4 hours to get right, you're welcome) Here's what we found out:
Jordan Santo (Appleby) hails from Carmichael, California. His affinity for caffeinated beverages is well-known across the state and he has not really slept since winning a Rockstar drinking competition three years ago. After changing his major seven times, he has settled on Government, though if he had more time he would change it again. He is a kicker on the CMS Football team and, when he isn't waking up early for ROTC training, he spends his time watching as much TV as possible, cheering for the San Francisco 49ers and the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. His dancing prowess is well-known campus-wide.
Greg Zahner (Wohlford) is originally from St. Louis, Missouri, the home of Budweiser and Albert Pujols (for at least a little longer). After 20 years of calling the Show Me State home, Greg traded in the 750 mile drive to the beach for a 1 mile walk to the sandy shores of perfection by moving to Carlsbad, CA. When not slaving away to finish his neuroscience major or to satisfy his obsession with becoming the next Dr. Lisa Cuddy, Greg is making a scene so everyone knows how much he loves himself. But beware of the brightly colored v-necks or else you will fall victim to his seductive charm.
Kevin Sullivan (Green) hails from Beaverton, Oregon, which of course in German means… well, you know. While not playing basketball or going for late night runs on the track, Kevin may be found diligently micromanaging his days and clinging for dear life to the infamous clipboard. In the world of academia, Kevin studies Economics and Mathematics, where he gets nasty with supply and demand curves and discounts “hella” cash flows. In his free time, Kevin enjoys playing the piano while his good friend, Ron Burgundy, dabbles in jazz flute.
His full name is Kevin Macpherson (Marks), but most people call him Kmac. He's been known to answer to Kmac, Kevin and occasionally "You Royal Highness." Kmac comes to us from Beaverton, Oregon-- home of Nike products and, apparently, beavers. When he's not taking long walks along the beach he enjoys going to a good TNC, playing hoops and turning his swag on to ridiculously high levels. He's a huge music fan and loves all types of music--- unless it's Metallica... wear it. Regarding academics, he's a Psychology and Leadership studies major and has a strong interest in working with children with autism.
Megan T. Morris (Apartments) (Megmo) is not from Beaverton, Oregon. Little is known for certain about this transformative mystic gracing CMC with her presence. The Forum will neither confirm nor deny rumors that she was the CMS contact responsible for convincing Athena to serve as the official mascot of our female sports teams. We advise you to avert your gaze before asking her any direct questions about her studies as a government major with a leadership sequence both as a sign of respect and to avoid being seduced by her intensely blue eyes and winning smile. If you can contribute any additional information about Megan’s remarkable but mysterious life, please contact the Forum.
Aravind Swaminathan (Beckett) is a Southwest (the best West) native from the beautiful city of Paradise Valley, Arizona, the home of the happiest place on earth, The Swaminathan Mahal. He never tries to get everything done way before it is due so he can spend time harassing fellow classmates in Ryal and Poppa Labs. When he’s not in the Career Services Center reviewing resumes and cover letters, he is not out being nerdy--unlike Jason Rehhaut. He is an avid fan of anything but the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (worst name ever), but loves the Phoenix Suns, and few would call him “a bad guy.”
Jason Rehhaut (Benson) is a southern California native from the beautiful city of Valencia, California. He tries to get everything done way before it is due so he can play on his wonderful PlayStation 3. When he’s not out on the baseball field or in Ducey Gymnasium’s Training Room getting treated for some injury, he is out being nerdy as an accounting tutor and helping to run the Claremont Accounting Association as its co-President. He is an avid fan of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (greatest name ever), and a few would call him “a good guy.”
Nicholas (Nick) Wright (Apartments) calls the beautiful coastal town of Cape Elizabeth Maine home. His near arctic environmental upbringings have taught him to appreciate the warm and consistent weather of Southern California. This may be why you can find him spending much of his free time visiting the Scripps pool or Green Beach. Besides indulging in Claremont's beautiful weather, Nick studies economics and government, and exercises with the 5-C cougar lacrosse team. He also enjoys weekly meals at the Back Abbey, COD/FIFA-ing (not real verbs I know), and avid debates amongst friends over which dining hall to eat at.
Mark Munro (Berger), sometimes known for his Chewbacca-like noises, hails from Beaverton, Oregon. When he's not running late to meetings, he can be found at the Collins espresso machine or the Motley. He spent the past seven months in Washington DC, but has embraced the exchange of a suit for a pair of flip-flops. Mark currently procrastinates by playing Words With Friends, but also assists with research on Robert Frost's letters and edits essays at the Writing Center. In his free time, he tracks Los Angeles food trucks and tries to find the best grub in the Inland Empire.
Jen Ringoen (Boswell) can be spotted on campus reppin' the Giants, Toms shoes, and a ponytail (though if all else fails, she's 6'2"). The Bay Area native enjoys shooting hoops, getting pwned by her longboard, and double-fisting Ath tea products. Her biggest challenge of being an RA so far has been finding a spot in her Boswell corner room where she has no chance of violating innocent passersby in the quad.
Lauren Yeske (Phillips), also known as "Yeske," was blown to Claremont from the Windy City. She can often be seen bumming around campus, defending her beloved Phillips or prancing around the track with Melia Plotkin while at pole vault practice. Her interests include bubble wrap, cereal and handstands. Her dis-interests include squirrels and standing in lines. Lauren doesn't want to grow up.
Boston native Rebecca Salzman (Apartments), despite her biology major, refuses to believe this isn’t real: (*Rebecca would like to remind everyone that she "took this bio seriously and the brevity of this is perfectly intentional. Think Hemmingway’s self proclaimed best work: "'For sale: baby shoes, never worn.'")
Mike Lapadot (Claremont) hails from Clinton, OH, just south of Akron (A-K-Rowdy!). Don’t ask him to compare Ohio and California- they both hold a special place in his heart. He is an avid Cleveland sports fan and a LeBron fan, but not at the same time. He is also very proud to be a GOONER! At CMC, Mike is a History and Government major. When not clapping his hands at passersby during ROTC training or performing a reincarnation of Cicero at ASCMC Senate, you can find Mike pasando tiempo with Victor at the Ath – OH YEA! He drinks “Awake” tea to go to sleep.
Rishabh Parekh (Stark) is from Anaheim, California, where he grew up a few blocks down from Mickey Mouse and Disneyland, which is apparently the third happiest place on earth. A Science and Management major, Rishabh hopes to make the logical jump into finance upon graduation. Until then, he continues to put the team on his back as a professional fantasy football player. Graced with a body as jacked as Gumby's, Rishabh also dominates sports vicariously through his two favorite pro teams, the San Francisco 49ers and the soon-to-threepeat LA Lakers. On the rare occasion that he is not doing work in his room, Rishabh can be found doing work in a lab.
Elica Sharifnia (Auen), also known as Freak-Elic, is a native of Beaverton, Oregon, the hometown of Nike and the birthplace of four current RA’s (there must be something in the water). Speaking of water, don’t be surprised if she reeks of chlorine or drips water all over the place. When she isn’t practicing with the CMS swim team, you can find her in the lab working on her Neuroscience major. Elica also acts as a human jungle gym at the Claremont Children’s School in her free time. She is also eagerly waiting on the day when Collins serves up a juicy kabob.
Melia Plotkin (Claremont) is from San Diego California where she grew up being force-fed wheatgrass and tofu. Now, Melia is an International Relations Major and, although she is possibly slower than a turtle, pole vaults with the CMS Track and Field team. You may know Melia because of her incredibly annoyingly loud laugh or her Dory-like attention span. When Melia grows up she aspires to be a hybrid between LaDainian Tomlinson and Hermione Granger and hopes to one day be the first magical female running back for the San Diego Super Chargers.
Taylon Johnson's (Stark) long-distance relationship with her mom has survived the past three years thanks to her handy ability to click her red heels together to get back home to Kansas City. Growing up in the Midwest, she quickly learned that red meat is the only food group. Her competitive attitude is often expressed on the Athena’s basketball court or through rigorous games of Catch Phrase. A diehard March Madness fan, Taylon attributes much of the KU basketball team's success to her lifelong, enthusiastic cheering. When she’s not meeting with the ASCMC crew, she can be found in the library café where she studies government with a leadership sequence. She is often ragged on for her excessive use of exclamation points and for practicing her go-to “running man” dance move that she learned from her good friend, Napoleon Dynamite.
Meagan Biwer (Fawcett) enjoys nerdy pick up lines and playing with her TI-89. In Claremont, she can be found stuffing her face at Ath tea, making uncouth mock trial jokes, ferreting out all the Andes mints from that bucket at Collins, and elephanting around in her dance classes. TL/DR: Meagan can be bribed with raspberry mochas from the Motley.