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The Final Medallion: Backstage Passes to Meet Lupe Fiasco
March 4, 2010
The Forum

That's right, we're bring back the Medallion Hunt for an extra round.
The first part is what happens when you take the number of words Professor Brock Blomberg says on the March 5th Mixtape, multiply it by where you would find the maximum of -x^2+102x+52, then subtract the number of Grammy Awards Lupe Fiasco has won, multiplied by the approximate number of decades B.o.B. has lived. Order of operations apply. Look to the north.
But it's all in the second part, which was made popular in the 1980s by Eddie and further popularized by artists such as OutKast and Ludacris.
The first person gets two passes. The second person gets one.
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