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The CMC Bucket List

January 22, 2010

The Forum
The CMC Bucket List

As seniors arrive at the crushing realization that they only have a few more months left at CMC, we suddenly think of  a million things we still want to do at school, in LA, or wherever. Senior Aleksis Psychas had the brilliant idea to combine everyone's to-do lists, and compile the CMC Bucket List. So if you could, take a couple of seconds and leave a comment below with a couple of your favorite things to do at CMC and about town-- must-eat restaurants, secret spots on campus, party traditions-- all the things that you will remember fondly and lust for in a few years.

This can be as simple as seeing a CMS-Pomona basketball game in Ducey, or eating at Leks's personal favorite  Red Hill BBQ on Foothill Blvd. We'll put them together and send out a official list of 50 (or 100) things to add to your Leader's To Do List.

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