April 15, 2010
The Forum

Room draw numbers will be posted this Friday at Story House. Until then, the Forum has exclusive early access. It's important to note, people who have signed up to live off campus or who did not pay their dorm damage didn’t get a Room Draw number. NOTE: The set of numbers posted earlier was incorrect. You may download the NEW room draw number list here.
Stay tuned to the Forum for all your room draw drama. Live, up-to-date floor plans are coming. Below is an earlier email from Dean Castro concerning room draw logistics:
Exchange of priority numbers, falsifying documents, tampering with dorm charts, harassing, threatening or coercing another student into either leaving his or her chosen room or altering his or her room selection will result in judiciary action, loss of right to a room, and/or loss of the privilege to participate in the room selection process.
If you would like to draw into a double room without a roommate, you must first seek written permission from Fid Castro in Heggblade Center. No one will be allowed to draw into a double room by themselves without written permission. Anyone granted permission to draw into a double room without a roommate will be placed in the housing pool with all new (freshmen and transfers) and readmitted students, and will be assigned a roommate over the summer.
Approximately 10% of each residence hall is reserved for new students.
On or before April 16, lottery numbers will be randomly assigned by computer. Lists of the lottery numbers sorted alphabetically and numerically will be posted at Story House. Individual lottery numbers will be placed in student mailboxes on or before April 16. Do not discard your lottery number. You must bring it with you to room Draw on your assigned draw night.
All students who are issued numbers must participate in Room Draw. Students who fail to pay dorm damage amounts of $5.00 or more by Friday, April 9 before 5pm will not receive a lottery number. Students who pay damages after the April 9 deadline, but prior to Room Draw, can still participate, but will be given a lottery number at the end of their class.
Students who will be living in the residence halls should be prepared to select a meal plan at Room Draw. Your options are: 16 meals per week ($160 board plus), 12 meals per week ($120 board plus), or 8 meals per week ($80 board plus). Students who live in the residence halls must choose a meal plan. Those students who have received permission to be off the meal plan for medical reasons must submit a new letter from their physician stating why they should remain off the meal plan for the 2010-2011 academic year.
In North Quad suites, groups of four students will be able to draw into either both rooms facing north, or both rooms facing south. In the pod suites, the option will be to draw into either both eastern rooms, or both western rooms. There will be no option to draw into one northern and one southern room in traditional suites, nor one eastern and one western in the pods.
To exercise this housing option, all four students in the group must arrive together, and will draw based on the best lottery number of the four. If there are no half-suites available when your four-person group enters Room Draw you will need to split up and follow the instructions for roommates (see “ROOMMATES” below). This may include one of the pairs leaving to draw at a later time if their lottery numbers are scheduled for a later time. Also, if any member of the four-person group withdraws from their selected room after Room Draw, the remaining roommates will be reassigned to a new location at the discretion of the Director of Residential Life.
If you wish to live off campus in 2010-2011, come to the Heggblade Center to pay your dorm damage (if $5.00 or more) and to sign up for the off-campus option. Those who complete this by April 9 will be removed from the lottery and do not need to show up at Room Draw. After April 9, those who wish to live off campus will get a lottery number and select off campus at Room Draw. There will be a maximum of 50 students allowed to live off campus for the 2010-2011 academic year. Married students and students with dependent children are automatically granted off-campus status and they need not come to Room Draw.
Students who decide during Room Draw to live on campus will only be allowed to move off campus at a later date under the following conditions: 1) a student on the off-campus list wishes to move into the space to be vacated on campus, and/or 2) the move is approved by the Director of Residential Life. There will be a $100 late decision fee charged to any student who chooses to move off campus, with permission, after April 22, 2010. Students who move off campus without permission, or who remain off campus without choosing that option at Room Draw, will also be subject to the $100 late decision fee and possible judicial action.
If you will not be able to attend the room selection in person, you may assign a proxy to make the decision for you. After you receive your lottery number (but prior to Room Draw) see Lyn Hughes in the Dean of Students Office in Heggblade Center to register your proxy. If you are unable to find a proxy, you may ask Lyn to have a member of the Housing Committee serve as your proxy.
Kravis Center construction and the Pomona College residence hall construction will continue through the 2010-2011 academic year. The construction may continue to disrupt traffic and parking along Columbia, Eighth Street, and Ninth Street. There may continue to be noise associated with these projects.
RTAs will be selected prior to Room Draw, and are guaranteed a space in the hall in which they will be serving.
Those who choose to be roommates for the 2010-2011 academic year must go through Room Draw together, using the better of their two lottery numbers (or higher Room Draw ranking). If only one of the two is able to attend the selection, a proxy must attend for the student who is unable to attend. One roommate may serve as a proxy for another. Proxies must be registered ahead of time with Lyn in the Dean of Students Office.
During the room selection process you will be choosing a room or a roommate for the entire 2010-2011 academic year. You will be expected to take responsibility for the choices you make during the Room Draw process, and you will need to work out any conflicts that may arise between you and your roommate. Once you have selected your room and roommate through the Room Draw process your decision will be binding for the full academic year and no additional changes will be made.
Room rates for the 2010-2011 academic year will be determined in June.
Beckett and Marks halls will continue to have coed floors with single sex bathrooms. Stark Hall will also continue to have two coed floors (second and third floors) with single sex bathrooms. Rooms and floors in Claremont Hall will have no predetermined gender designation. Instead, the gender ratio will be fixed in advance and male and female students may select any room in the building during Room Draw until gender limits are met. Bathrooms for each gender will be present on each floor.
No other Mid or South Quad residence halls will have coed floors for the 2010-2011 academic year.
In Beckett, Marks, and Stark the gender split is essentially down the center of the hall, with men living on one side and women on the other.
Maps showing the gender of specific rooms will be posted in Armour Conference Room in Heggblade by Monday, April 19.
Those roommates living in double rooms who wish to retain their current rooms for the 2010-2011 academic year must do so before 5pm on Friday, April 9. This option is only open to those in double rooms, and both roommates must agree to retain. Students who are the sole occupants of double rooms are not eligible for room retention.
Those students who want to retain their rooms need to complete the Room Retention Form (see Lyn in the Dean of Students Office) before 5pm on Friday, April 9. Students who have not paid their dorm damage will be unable to retain their rooms.
The room selection priority system will be based on your class standing (Senior, Junior, Sophomore, or Freshman), as determined by the Registrar. Class groups will draw in numerical order on specified nights, based on lottery numbers.
Cumulative Credits Earned at End of Fall 2009 Semester | Registrar Classification | Room Selection Night |
23 or more | Senior | Tuesday, April 20 |
15 - 22.9 | Junior | Tuesday, April 20 or Wednesday April 21 |
7 – 14.9 | Sophomore | Wednesday, April 21 or Thursday, April 22 |
less than 7 | Freshman | Thursday, April 22 |
Room selection will take place in the Curb Conference room in Heggblade Center beginning at 6pm each night.
A detailed time schedule for room selection by lottery numbers will be on the back of your lottery memo.
If neither you nor your proxy is present at the Heggblade Center for Room Draw at the time your number is called, you will be called again after 20-30 minutes. If at that time you (or your proxy) have not arrived, Room Draw will proceed, and the next group of students will begin to select rooms.
If no single rooms remain available at the time your number is called during Room Draw, you may elect to be placed on the Single-Room Waiting List. At the discretion of the Director of Residential Life, students on the waiting list will be contacted if singles become available. The list will be valid until October 1st.
CMC has a “courtesy policy” for smoking in student rooms. See the Guide to Student Life, page 9 (
Claremont Hall is a non-smoking hall, in accordance with the environmental guidelines that determine its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Rating.
Students who have been accepted to live in the CMC Student Apartments or College Park for the 2010-2011 academic year will not participate in any part of the Room Draw process.
Those who wish to live in a community free from tobacco products, alcohol, and other drugs may select Stark Hall during Room Draw.
Your signed license agreement includes an agreement not to bring these substances into the building, and to not allow your guests to do so. You may review the actual license agreement by seeing Lyn in the Heggblade Center.