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Cooking with Coolio

February 2, 2010

The Forum
Cooking with Coolio

"I'm about to teach your ass how to cook." With those words, Coolio, of Gangster's Paradise fame, began the first episode cooking show. Yes, he has a cooking show--you can find every episode on his YouTube channel, Cookin with Coolio. Coolio hasn't had the best luck lately, what with his arrest for possession of crack cocaine or with his recent crowd surfing attempt (where, rather than catching him, audience members let him hit the floor and then stole his jewelry and shoes). On first glance, however, his luck seems to be changing with this new, critically acclaimed show.

Cookin with Coolio features videos that will guide you on your quest to make "Soul Rolls," "Swashbuckling Shrimp," and the like. Unlike traditional cooking personalities, however,  Coolio uses less than official cooking terms, such as "a dime bag of pepper" and a "pooch of salt," as well as random interjections of "Shakazulu!" and "Taste Good, Look Good…IS GOOD." He is joined in every episode by his cooking "girls." He also swears quite a bit, so you may want to keep down the volume if grandma is around.

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