Candidates for Class Presidents, 2010-2011
March 1, 2010
The Forum
On ASCMC, each class has an elected representative: a class president. The class presidents represent and organize activities for their class, ranging hosting events on-campus to sponsoring off-campus trips (for more, see this unofficial but comprehensive primer). This Wednesday, there will be elections for the class presidents for 2011, 2012, and 2013, although Cara Daley, CMC '11, is running unopposed. Statements from each of the candidates are below, listed alphabetically by last name and organized by position. A full list of candidates is available on our election page, where the title of each position is linked to a page with the statements from the candidates.
Aditya Pai, CMC '13
CMC is awesome. It’s awesome not only because of our academics, our athletics, and our parties but also because we are small – like the bar in Cheers where everyone knows your name. That’s why I first ran for class president. Being class president at a big school isn’t much fun: you have to represent thousands of kids you don’t even know. But at CMC, being a student representative is different.
It's easy to get to know your class just by having some initiative and being outgoing. You can then have confidence when deciding how to spend your budget because you have a good idea of how most people would want you to spend it. I think this makes the job much easier and much more rewarding. It’s no surprise that people enjoyed the CMS Freshmen Tailgate because a lot of freshmen said they valued events with the other 5Cs. Of course everyone came out to the In and Out Snack: not having snack on Sundays is a common freshman complaint. Lots of us bought t-shirts because the Class of 2013 has a ton of pride. The freshman pre-party was a success because you asked for it in the survey. And the 2013 Olympics were great because an overwhelming majority of freshmen value events that let us meet each other and bring us together as a class.
Going forward, I want to build on these themes of fun events, school spirit, and class unity. We’ll have a 2013 Beach Trip to be held after spring break; a second Sunday night snack would follow. And we can afford all of this because ASCMC approved my proposal to increase our budget by 100%.
It was a lot of fun to represent all 282 of you this term. I’d be honored to do it for another one.
Connor Barclay, CMC '13
Hey there, Class of 2013! I’m Connor Barclay and I’m running to be your sophomore class president. As a member of the Freshman Class Cabinet, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with Pai, the FCC, and the Class of 2013 Party Planners to bring you everything from the CMS Freshman Tailgate to the 2013 Olympics. I think we’ve done well, but I know we can do even better!
Why should you vote Connor Barclay?
I’m doing this for you. I am running to make our sophomore year the best it can possibly be. I don’t care about the title. I don’t care about “building my résumé.” I care about you.
I’m not a politician. I won’t preach about how I’m going to this, that, and the other, and then not deliver. I won’t knock on your door and ramble off a canned speech about why you should vote for me. I want you to get to know the real me – raw and uncensored. I’m confident that honesty breeds productivity.
I listen. I wholeheartedly believe that everyone has something unique and valuable to bring to the table. I care much more about what you think than what I think. It’s your Sophomore year – it should be how you want it to be. Plato once said, “Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.” I won’t be the fool.
I love CMC and the Class of 2013 more than Pitzer loves the environment, and I would be delighted to serve you as your class president.
Finally, I’m honored to announce that every Freshman Class Cabinet member and all three Class of 2013 Official Party Planners endorse my campaign. Join them in voting Connor Barclay for Sophomore President!
Let’s do this! CB
Jason Soll, CMC '12
As class president, I will have two primary duties: throw a killer Monte Carlo Night and improve our class experience and connection for those abroad. Here are some of my plans to go above and beyond with these duties:
Monte Carlo: I plan to make use of my close relationships with various Vegas professionals by bringing true Vegas talent to Monte Carlo Night. Also, I will arrange for gift bags with logoed merchandise from Abercrombie and Fitch, Victoria’s Secret, Express, and Bath and Body Works to be handed out to everyone. This will be the greatest Monte Carlo Night yet.
Class Trips: I will arrange for our class to attend advanced screenings of Hollywood films and television shows at their respective studios. I am also currently working on bringing filmmakers to campus to screen their work and engage in discussions with the student body. 5C Junior Class trips will be set up too.
Class Merchandise: I will lead an effort to create a line of class merchandise beyond tee shirts. You deserve more.
Study Abroad: About half of us will be abroad next year. I am dedicated to retaining those relationships by means of blogs, video journals, and weekly spotlights on your crazy stories.
Communication: I will bring an unprecedented level of communication and ideas to our class. I can always be reached at 614-519-5464 or for questions, comments, ideas, or concerns about anything.
We’re already halfway done guys. It’s time to get excited about the time we have left at CMC. I’m looking forward to using the relationships I’ve made from working in various industries to enhance our funding and fuel great events and projects for us all. The sky is the limit. Seriously.
Thanks for your support and I am looking forward to working with you all.
Taylon Johnson, CMC '12
When I first got to CMC, I thought, "Wow! I’m not in Kansas anymore!" I realized that I was becoming a part of the most amazing college. The classes and school work are only a part of what makes a great school. The people, the interaction with the people, and the activities play an important role in the educational experience. CMC dominates in these areas, and I would work to improve and to maintain the CMC experience. Our time in the Claremont bubble is short. I therefore want to make sure you have the very best experience and develop unforgettable memories. I want to throw a spectacular Monte Carlo party and maintain the awesome party scene, which makes your friends at home and the other 4Cs jealous. I want to unify the junior class by continuing the Sophowars games created this year. I want to organize Price is Right outings and Dodgers games, as well as designing care packages for all of our peers that go abroad each semester. I want to listen to your ideas, concerns, and suggestions to make our junior year even better. I plan to bring energy, a positive attitude, and a great work ethic to the ASCMC team. I would love the opportunity to make our junior year the best ever! So remember to vote Taylon Johnson on Wednesday night at Collins, and let’s make memories that will last a lifetime!
Drew Oetting, CMC '12
Dear CMC Class of 2012, Hello... My name is Drew Oetting, and I am running for Junior Class President. For those of you who do not know me, I'll give you a brief bio. I was born in Chapel Hill, NC to two loving parents. I then moved to Iowa City, IA where I grew up, went to school and learned all there is to know about corn and primary elections. I came to CMC because I wanted a small college, warm weather and to be surrounded by intelligent people who loved economics, politics and beirut (in Iowa we call it beer pong) as much as I did.
Here at CMC, I am an Economics and Math dual major and I hope to complete the Finance Sequence. I play on the CMS golf team, I am a member of the Student Investment Fund, I'm a tenorish baritone in the Claremont Shades a capella group and along with Chris Temple, and I attempted to organize the Claremont Club Tennis Team.
I have the utmost respect for the way we do things here at CMC, and I personally want to contribute to our community. I feel that our college is the best in the country; and I believe that the class of 2012 is the best CMC has ever seen. Serving as our president is something I take very seriously. I have talked both to our current president, Will Kahn '12, and current junior class president, Tammy Phan ’11, regarding their experiences and have taken their counsel to heart. I promise you I will reference their advice in order to make the right decisions for our class. I promise you I will organize an amazing Monte Carlo. I promise you I will fight for the class of 2012.
Please feel free to hit me up with any questions, suggestions, concerns etc at <3 Drew
Cara Daley, CMC '11
Hellooooo future Senior Class of 2011!
I am running unopposed, but I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know how incredibly excited I am to be at least partially responsible for our senior year being wonderful/memorable/crazy.
I have a lot of ideas brewing for events and such, but I wanted specifically to take this opportunity and let you all know to not hesitate at all if there has been something on your mind about next year, something you would like to see happen, or really anything else you need to get off your chest. Send me an email literally whenever. (
Love, Cara
Editor’s Note: Because the ASCMC Constitution forbids candidates from online campaigning and the authors of comments cannot be exactly identified, we have disallowed commenting on this and all other election-related posts.