After an overwhelming response to our call for applications, we're pleased to announce this year's Forum staff. Much of the old structure is in place, but we've brought on section editors to help generate ideas and manage content -- to do the heavy lifting. On top of that, we have some staff writers, contributors, and even syndicated columnists lined up, and you'll see them added to the masthead over the course of the semester. This is just the beginning.
Life Editor Carl Peaslee
News Editor Wyatt MacKenzie
Opinion Editor Charlie Sprague
Forum Fellows Lewis Corson, Alex Mitchell, Alex Nazari, E. Madison Shimoda, Dan Evans, Max Mullen, Patrick Atwater, Nathan Bengtsson, Marcelo Andrade
Also, do me a favor. Stop reading for a second and look around your monitor. Notice anything different? Yeah, I didn't sleep much this weekend, but I put together a redesign (that'll hopefully be around for a while) to give more visibility to featured content and to open up some space on the homepage for some useful tools. Have a look there too at the tabs on the left-hand side. "Events" features an interactive calendar for campus orgs to post happenings; "Food" lists dining halls hours and (more importantly) links to a spreadsheet with side-by-side menus; "Places" lets you know if important spots such as the library, the writing center, and the Hub are open; "Tweets" give you, well, our tweets; and "Reads" compiles the Forum's recommendations on worthwhile articles across the net. These features should either make your life a little easier or a little less boring. Which is kind of all we're doing here. Hopefully.