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The Forum Endorses Burning in China

April 24, 2009

by The Forum
The Forum Endorses Burning in China

Tonight at 8, Pickford Auditorium will host Burning in China for the second and final time. Brought to CMC by Professor Faggen and the Gould Center, the one-man play is presented from the perspective of an American professor as he relates his experiences on exchange in Shanghai during the lead-up to the Tianamen Square protests. Last night was the show's Los Angeles premiere. Now, CMC, we realize this is a hard sell. We know that the Gould Center's programming doesn't make your heart race, and that if this post were an email from Connie Bartling, you'd probably delete it. We also know how much you're looking forward to Kohoutek and Tell Me When to Glow.

But if you want to break the party monotony and do something different, we recommend you head to Pickford tonight. The show is beautifully written and acted. It's also funny. A few of us went last night and honestly enjoyed it.

The best part is that-- in its way-- it's very CMC. The show is about democracy and freedom, bizarre culture shock, and talking politics over drinks. There's Abraham Lincoln. There's sex, too, and in ways that would make drunk North Quad jocks proud. (Trust us.)

Last week, Patrick Atwater wrote a piece here about some of the shortcomings of the CMC approach to education. If that one made you think, or if you're just looking to be challenged in a different way, then give this show a try.

Curtain rises at 8. Entry is free.

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