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The ASCMC Morning Report

March 8, 2009

by Tammy Phan
The ASCMC Morning Report

Midterms are a drag, but think about it this way: This time next week, it'll be spring break(!) and you'll be lounging/swimming/tanning/sleeping/Hulu'ing/anything but studying. This term's ASCMC Executive Board met for the last time yesterday. Here are the updates:

1. Relive the ol' glory days of water gun fights the more grown-up, mature, and dangerous way by joining the new paintball club! Contact Sam Corcos '11 or look for the Facebook group for more information.

2. Save the date-- There will be some big 5C things going on the Friday or Saturday after spring break. The Party Inform for that weekend will have all the details.

3. Beginning after Commencement, Claremont McKenna College will offer free on-campus summer storage. ...No, not really, but wouldn't that be awesome? Anyways, come to Senate (10PM, Bauer Forum) tonight to witness the last Senate meeting of this term and see the Elections Committee's nominations for the new ASCMC CFO, CO Chair, and Executive Secretary. New terms begin on March 23rd.

Have a great spring break, CMC! (And watch this video. It's surprisingly accurate.)

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