Midterms + Masquerade Ball = wear it, CMC. These are the updates from last night's ASCMC meeting:
1. The Life After CMC series received $100 from the ASCMC General Budget to help cover the costs of their Etiquette Dinner. The dinner, mostly aimed towards seniors, is open to CMCers.
2. Love water polo but hate the water? Lucky for you! The Handball Club was just approved last night. It's like water polo, on land... Contact Christophe Bindert '11 for more information, or look for the Facebook group online.
3. The Forum(!) has had a record number of hits. In the shortest month of the year, the Forum reached an all-time high for monthly views, averaging over a thousand unique visits per day.
4. ASCMC speeches were held last night at Collins. Elections take place today from 11 AM - 1PM in front of (or inside, if it starts raining) Collins, and 5-7PM. Rock the vote. GOTV. Bring democracy to (AS)CMC. Whatever the phrase that works, get out to Collins and vote today! Results will be posted tonight on the doors of the Hub and outside Story House.