If FAIL blog and and FML haven't completely taken over your free time, then you're in luck! Here are the updates of (mostly events) from last night's ASCMC Exec. Board meeting:
1. The Bocce Ball Club was approved last night. Don't know what bocce ball is? Check out this YouTube video or, even better, contact Marshall Fisher '11, the founder and president of the club. There will be weekly games, tournaments, and bocce BBQs, too.
2. ASCMC elections are coming up! Speeches will take place on Sunday, March 1st at snack. Voting will take place the next day at Collins dining hall and the apartments.
3. Hope you saved the date! This Saturday is the Masquerade Ball in North Quad. Don't forget: masks are mandatory. (And yes, fabric with eye holes-Ninja turtle style do count.)
4. The freshman class presidents from the 5Cs are planning big things together. Watch out for an e-mail from Will Kahn '12 for more info.