Within the end of the year torrents of crunching for economic problem sets, linear algebra final exams, and government research papers, CMC's Literary Journal, The Vernacular, proudly provides you your subversive literary break. So enjoy the likes of “Foreclosed” by David Meyer ’12, this year’s first-prize poetry winner, “...Meets Girl,” by Max Davison ’09,the first-prize prose winner, photographic talents of Tiffany Otoya and other truly wonderful pieces.
In addition to a small circulation of hard-print copies of the Vernacular, this year we have gone digital for your convenient viewing pleasure: http://cmcforum.com/vernacular
The Vernacular is a student-run literary magazine, headed-up this by Bri Riggio ’10, and Max Sterling ’10. Madison Shimoda ’10 laid us out, and the Writing Center’s benevolent Director, Justin Young advised us all the way. Google Docs lover and guru Abhi Nemani ’10 kindly put us on the Forum website and designed our tab. All pieces were selected by a student committee as listed in the Table of Contents.