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Seven Blogs by CMC Students

February 9, 2009

by Alex Bargmann
Seven Blogs by CMC Students

This is the Internet; everyone thinks it is his or her own soapbox.  Even Shaq is figuring out Twitter (check it out, it's "very quotatious").  Here are seven blogs written by CMC students, all good for at least the quick glance. The way I see it there are two frequently updated, longstanding blogs.

  1. Ben Casnocha's ('11) personal blog, by the sophomore entrepreneur who published a book about his experience starting and running a company at age fourteen.  Worth a look even if you didn't go to CMC, the scope of Ben's blog extends beyond the Claremont Community to include musings from and about his newest project, ThinkDifferentTV.  At the same time, his blog is well-written and relatable to by students.

  2. Charles Johnson's ('11) The Claremont Conservative is the most infamous of student-run blogs at CMC.  Charles was recently appointed editor of the Claremont Independent (his appointment has prompted some students to quit writing for the publication, a source tells us) and has decided to merge his personal blog with the printed publication.  The effect of this merger is uncertain-- the blog has largely remained as Charles' personal soapbox for partisan politics and angry attacks on students, faculty, and alumni.  Just as Ann Coulter makes a living with invective, Charles has learned the best way to gain attention (aka blog hits) is by making outrageous claims and using sarcastic, cynical rhetoric. Even if you subscribe to his mantra, you might find this blog irritating – like an itch underneath your arm cast that you keep trying to get to, but then when you finally get a scratch on it, the itch just gets worse.  Of course, Johnson has some fans...Now on to what this article was really about, unearthing some unknown blogs that deserve your attention:

  3. Lewis Corson's ('11) [cardboard living] is a far cry from your standard CMC blogs-- it does not center around politics, economics, or making money-- thank God.  Lewis is studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain this semester, and his blog, with the most unique and interesting web layout of any blog mentioned here, is focused around music and fashion.  With a feature post on remix artist Diplo, several fashion posts and even more links to music, Lewis is off to a great start.  Whether or not [cardboard living] can keep up the posting is the question.  The title implies a blog for the fiscally conservative college student (read: broke); it would be cool to see this theme incorporated a little more. (Note: [cardboard living] now also has its own Facebook group)

  4. Immediately after learning of [cardboard living], I was also pointed to The Den of Vice, a new blog by CMCers focused on music.  I couldn't find who started the blog on the website but a Facebook group dedicated to the site was created by Mateo Blumer '10 with Andrew Hess '10 and Jimmi Carney '10 listed as officers.  I enjoyed the Thin White Duke remix of "Talk" by Coldplay and they've also recently put up a praising review (coupled with some Explosions in the Sky songs -- one of which is the theme from Friday Night Lights)  of Cormac McCarthy's The Road, one of the best from my favorite author.

  5. Sahil Kapur's ('09) The Daily Musing.  While Sahil is certainly not under the radar (Sahil's been published on The Huffington Post and Daily Kos), I was unaware of his blog until this year.  Frequently updated, Sahil primarily focuses on politics and international affairs with a dash of music.   Everything from links to YouTube clips or noteworthy articles across the web, The Daily Musing is an eclectic blog with no stand out focus.

  6. Kevin Burke ('11) keeps a blog with a similar introspective flavor as Ben Casnocha, without the entrepreneurship, meshed with a college student's take on the do-it-yourself lifestyle of Tim Ferriss.  Kevin’s blog is also worth checking out if you’re looking for some CMC-centered blogging and writing.

  7. David Franzel ('10), an International Relations major who studied in Cairo, Egypt last semester just started a blog called Peaces of Chaos about conflict in the Middle East.

Have a blog that isn't listed? Leave it in the comments.

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