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Recession Runway: Internship Edition

May 10, 2009

by Madison Shimoda
Recession Runway: Internship Edition

Summer is just around the corner. For most college students, this means three months of restful bliss--some time off--but for CMCers, it means three months of grueling internships. But a grueling job doesn't require boring clothes. Spice up the business casual (what does that even mean?) this summer with fun outfits without blowing your budget. Take our advice and don’t pay over a hundred dollars on a single item. We know that CMCers have different tastes and different interests, and so they end up in different fields. So to help you all out, we've arranged outfits for interns in the most common professions.

The Consulting/Banking/Law Intern (Inspired by Ralph Lauren, Spring ’09) Have to dress formally all day long but don’t want to invest in an expensive suit (you should... especially if you have a paying Consulting/Banking internship)? Mix and match jackets and pants. Also, who says ties are only for men?

Jacket, blouse, pants, and shoes... Total:$107.89

The Journalism/Media Intern (Inspired by Thakoon, Spring 2009) So you don’t have to be formally dressed but you want to be ready for that one time your editor is ill and you’re assigned to interview President Obama. Be comfortable making a statement—you have the coolest internship in town (I’m biased): go with a monochrome outfit. Carry a pair of flats for when your feet gets tired from repeatedly dodging Naomi’s cell phone at a photo shoot.

Blouse, skirt, purse, heels, and flats... Total: $192.75

The Do-Gooder NGO Intern (Inspired by Chloe, Spring 2009) Working for the Children’s Defense Fund/Amnesty International/Human Rights Campaign? Just because you have to research depressing numbers on child health care/human rights violations/discrimination of LGBT couples (cough, PROP 8, cough) doesn’t mean you can’t brighten your office with your outfit. Pair a white blouse with a vibrant skirt. Nude shoes totally elongate your legs.

Blouse, skirt, belt, and shoes... Total: $126.80

And no matter where you work, remember this, CMC, the recession is no excuse to be badly dressed!

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