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Brian Worley sent a long, mostly unimportant e-mail sent to the CMC community today. Here's the important stuff:
"We recognize that there will be an increased number of students seeking parking spaces this semester. Additional student parking for North Quad Students Only has been created in the large Bauer lot. North Quad Students’ ID cards will activate the gate at the entrance. [!!!!!!!!!] Students are to park in the indicated spaces at the east end of the lot. Students parking elsewhere in the lot will be ticketed. Additional parking for all students is available in the Biszantz Family Tennis Center lot on Sixth Street. Please note that both of these lots have video surveillance for increased security. Any questions about student parking should be addressed to the office of the Dean of Students. "
Also important if you like to drive to the library from the lot behind Boswell (hey, don't hate):
"We are also aware that the ongoing construction of the Kravis Center will cause periodic disruptions in access over the next two years. To mitigate the impact of construction related disruptions, 9th Street will be opened from Amherst to Mills Avenue for the duration of construction. We will strive to keep you informed of any scheduled street closures adjacent to the construction site so that you can better plan your route to campus."
And you should all check out the new Biszantz Family Tennis Center courts-- it looks amazing so far. Best athletic expansion EVER!
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