It seems that Harvey Mudd students have taken a special interest in the lingerie industry. That's right. Our neighbors to the north are up to their brilliant shenanigans once again. Now, I don't doubt that those Mudders love a school emblazoned pair of panties as much as the next student body but unless my US News and World Report deceives me, I don't remember Harvey Mudd having OVER A MILLION STUDENTS! The best part is, they didn't just rig their own numbers, they catapulted six schools (among them the unlikely Bob Jones and Scripps College) to the top seven spots so that they could spell out the acronym WIBSTR or "West is best screw the rest," apparently some kind of dorm related boast.

How'd they do it? Much of the jargon is beyond me, but basically, through computer programs and the enlistment of beer-enticed freshman, the residents of West Dorm were able to write a script that broke Secret's "one post per day rule" as well as their image verification software (you know those crazy letters you have to identify when you want to sign up for something?). If you're truly interested, you can follow this link to learn a little bit more.
Also to give you a true sense of the HMC/VS PWNAGE you may consult this chart created by our ever-meticulous HMC friends. And yes, that red line at the top is Harvey Mudd. Because it isn't enough to prank someone, you should always provide them with a spreadsheet and chart so that they can intricately model the depths of their ownage.