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Forum Nights at the Ath: Debate Night

September 3, 2009

by Emily Meinhardt
Forum Nights at the Ath: Debate Night

In an unprecedented partnership, the Forum and the Athenaeum are turning the stage over to YOU. On Monday, September 28, The Forum will hold Student Debate night at the Athenaeum. CMC has already proven itself as a environment that encourages intelligent discussion and debate-- whether it's online or during afternoon tea at the Ath -- and students have proven themselves to be knowledgeable and passionate about national and international issues. Student Debate Night would further cultivate that atmosphere of lively discussion, but redirect it towards campus issues, an area less popular but just as important for students. The topic and speakers will come from YOU.

Suggest a campus issue for debate below. The possibilities are endless, but issues could include such topics as the Dartmouth Plan, admission policy, or general education requirements. We'll take suggestions for a week.  An ASCMC committee will select the three best suggestions and open a poll on the Forum.  Students will vote for the issue they want to see torn to pieces on the Ath stage.

Once we announce the topic, we'll ask you guys to come forward as speakers.

If you'd like to share your suggestion and get more feedback, post in the Comments Section after the submission form.

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