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Death of a Trolley

April 22, 2009

by Emily Meinhardt
Death of a Trolley

Claremont is pulling the plug on the Village Trolley.  Apparently, not enough people were riding it....shocking.

Launched about 5 months ago, the Trolley was supposed to help economic development in the Village.  It circled the perimeter of the Village and was completely free to riders. According to the Claremont Courier, some Pomona students showed up at the last city council meeting to say that more people (ie, students) would ride the trolley if they established a stop near Honnold Library.  Sure, it would be nice to just walk to the library to get to the Village, but people would probably rather walk/bike/drive than deal with figuring out the schedule and waiting for the bus.

The decision still won't be official until May 12, when the city will vote on the trolley's lease agreement.

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