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ASCMC Updated Budget

February 13, 2009

by The Forum
ASCMC Updated Budget

Hey CMC, As you know, ASCMC has a budget we work with every day to make sure we can afford to pay for student events, parties, club activities, class traditions, etc. without putting an everyday strain on individuals' wallets.  As ASCMC President, I am chair of the budget committee and am responsible for overseeing our budget.

Here is the updated ASCMC budget.  The summary of changes and notes is below. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at ehansell09@cmc.  We shouldn't make too much of our financial information available to non-CMCers, so I won't answer questions as comments on this post.  There are a lot of rumors flying around, most of which are completely false and even fabricated to make us look bad or for malicious reasons, so the best thing to do is e-mail me.

1- This year ASCMC has brought in more revenue and profit from outside sources (other than student fees) than it has in any other year in ASCMC's history.  For example, we've raised over $3,000 with the amazon and ads on this website alone.  Other sources of revenue include t-shirt sales, Monte Carlo tickets, Ayer (yearbook) sales, etc.

2- We will not use up the Band Fund we budgeted for the 2008-2009 Academic Year-- the p/l from the Ludacris concert, Tosh performance, and E-40 concert combined did not exceed the budgeted amount.  The Band Fund came largely from excess retained earnings last year (over $70,000).  We are still working out some accounting and cash flow details with the Dean of Students' office, but are pleased with the success of those performances.  It took a lot of hard work and frustration, and I thank those in ASCMC who helped make it happen.

3- We have re-budgeted (added or subtracted) money from the following line items.  You can see the new amounts on the public budget.

Private Security Summer Expenses Class of 2012 Class of 2011 Class of 2009 IPTV Subscriptions Dorm Affairs Chair Fund Senate Social Activities Chair Student Life Chair Clubs Fund General Fund

4- We have adjusted some clubs' funds based on how much they have spent so far, but it shouldn't impact any clubs' activities.  If a club's budget was decreased, the difference was added to the general clubs fund pool and can be taken back if needed.  E-mail Josh Siegel (jsiegel10@cmc) if you have questions about your club's budget.


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