Or at least it should be. As for the rest of you--are you tired of TextsFromLastNight? Too few lolz from ICanHasCheezburger? Are AwkwardFamilyPhotos too…Awkward? Check out these are alternative sites containing user-submitted comedy on the interwebs.
The Inspirational
ThereIFixedit. Submitters share their skills at creating "kludges," or "a clumsy or inelegant solution to a problem." Creativity involves more than simple duct tape use. Popular Submission: A Universal Remote…for Cheap.
This Is Photobomb. A"photobomber" is the name for that brave soul that strives for eternal fame when they ruin your photo. Once you see a photobomb in a photo, it's all you can see. Popular Submission: Poor Kid Never Knew What Happened
MyLifeisG. Head here for an absolute glut of people in varying stages of rapture. Be prepared--your day may suck in comparison.Popular Submission: "Today, I was kind of depressed because I havent seen my boyfriend in 6 months and he is currently deployed. I then get a phone call; he askes me to marry him and when I scream yes, my doorbell rings. He is standing in my doorway in his dress blues holding Tiger Lillies. Im getting Married! MLIG"
Highdeas. A conglomeration of ideas devised & posted while high. Obviously. Popular Submissions: Pretty much all of the Top Submissions within the last year
The Digestional
Food Porn Daily: If you weren't hungry before, you will be after clicking through these pictures. Popular Submission: "Green Tea Ice Cream & Fresh Fruit in a Ginger Tuile"
This Is Why You're Fat: If you were hungry before, you won't be after these pictures. TIWYF chronicles the most fattening man-made (and often highly unnatural) foods on the planet. Popular Submission: "The Widowmaker," which consist, among other ingredients, of 1.5 lbs of ground beef, 1 package of bacon, and a box of hot pockets between 2 Tombstone Pepperoni Pizzas.
This by no means is a comprehensive list of all of these sort of single-topic websites. Got another that you think should be shared? Post in the Comments.