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Ment Me

October 10, 2008

by Katherine Wernet

You may have noticed a piece of paper that arrived in your mailbox this past week. This single, eight and a half by eleven, rectangular sheet can deliver a new future for you – if only you’ll let it. The Student Alumni Relations Committee and the CMC Alumni Association are again offering alumni as mentors for students.

The goal, says Mentoring Café Co-Chair Amy Jacobson, is to “have someone who’s been there and for students establish relationships with alums.” Alumni can share not only their undergraduate experiences but also offer students a chance to learn of life after CMC.

The volunteer mentors and student pairs are decided after both sides complete an application that asks them a range of questions. Hopefully, in the end, both sides are happily chatting it up with an individual with shared interests. On the application there is a space left for those wishing to request a mentor of their own gender, should they so desire. Students can also request a specific mentor - those who have participated in the past often do. Alumni who reside in the area are particularly popular. Seniors, however, may wish to seek a mentor who inhabits the area in which they are going to work.

Amy Jacobson expects even more than the 150 pairs seen last year. Applications are due on 27th of October, and already she has poured over the applications of many an eager freshman. It is CMC tradition to network – why not do it the easy way?

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