Claremont McKenna and the 5C Princeton Review Rankings
July 29, 2008
by The Forum
Everyone loves rankings, especially Pam Gann. Stay tuned for US News Rankings in late August! What would our lives mean without these things?
Claremont McKenna College Rank List #15 Best Campus Food #2 Best Career/Job Placement Services #11 Dorms Like Palaces #4 Happiest Students #13 Lots of Beer #18 Lots of Race/Class Interaction #11 Most Politically Active Students #11 Most Accessible Professors #5 School Runs Like Butter #10 Students Happy with Financial Aid #15 Best Classroom Experience #5 Best Quality of Life
Why are we on the race/class interaction list? See our humble neighbors below... (couldn't ask for more appropriate from Scripps or Pitzer)
Pomona Rank List #12 Dorms Like Palaces #14 Happiest Students #1 School Runs Like Butter #3 Students Happy with Financial Aid #14 Least Religious Students #3 Best Classroom Experience #10 Best Quality of Life
Pitzer Rank List #1 Lots of Race/Class Interaction #12 Reefer Madness #12 Least Religious Students #16 Most Liberal Students
Harvey Mudd Rank List #6 Least Beautiful Campus #17 Intercollegiate Sports Unpopular or Nonexistent #8 Professors Get High Marks #13 Most Accessible Professors #5 Students Study the Most
Scripps Rank List #13 Best Campus Food #4 Dorms Like Palaces #6 Most Beautiful Campus
Update 7/31/08: has a press release on this here.